
Hey, my friend doesnt think she is thin enuff, or is pretty! whats ur opnion?? *pics*?

by  |  earlier

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she cried to me about ti today and then i told her she wasnt bad at all. but she doesnt beleive me cuz a guy turned her down. =( heres some pics. gimme some opinions that i hope will change her mind! thnx!




  1. nice legs & lips i giver a 8 from 1-10

  2. She's gorgeous what's wrong with that guy?..boy he's gonna regret that!!!!idiot

  3. She is beautiful!!!!!  That guy must have been g*y!!!

  4. shes pretty

  5. She looks good in the 3rd pic

  6. What an immature idiot! She's beautiful and looks very intelligent and artistic! She will do soooo much better than an idiot that will put her down.

  7. Nice looking girl, pretty face.

  8. hey d00d shes not pudgy at all. i think shes very smexi =] ily <3

  9. she is very very pretty!!

  10. First of all thats you

    and second of all your gorgeous

  11. I believe the answer above is right: it's u

    whoever it is, she is beautiful.  The guy above that said she could lose 10-15 lbs needs glasses.  Her weight is perfect!!!!

    We all get rejected at some point and for ALL different reasons.  Maybe he's not interested in dating or maybe not interested in dating GIRLS.  Don't worry about it so much and move on to the next guy.  You're too (yes TOO) young to worry about one guy.  Have fun, enjoy your summer, go dancing with friends, meet someone new.

  12. she is very pretty(no homo)

  13. she cud lose about 10-15 pounds, she has a pretty face but she's alittle pudgy.

  14. no she is fine! she has a medium belly her bones are large s people have different bodies and she is pretty but plz plz plz answer my question;...

  15. She needed confidence.

  16. She has amazing skin.


  17. that jerky idiotic guy will regret it! i think shes very pretty, maybe some eye makeup and something with her hair and shed be hard to turn down! good luck, i actually feel the same way about myself, so i know what shes going through! make sure you tell her i said if that guy wants her back, turn him down! p.s. she looks like a model in the 3rd pic!

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