
Hey, republican ladies! Did you admire your big sister?

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When you were a youth and followed the exploits of your older sister as she drove your mother crazy, did you admire her? Did she show you a whole new world that your parents wouldn't divulge? Did she open doors for you that could only be opened by her? Did you model your behavior after hers, or did you follow your own path?

And do you think Bristol's influence over her sisters will serve to put stress on Sarah Palin, after a time when John McCain's passing has put enormous stress on the whole country?

I saw that Disney movie. Making hookups from the White House sure looks fun!




  1. your question gave me a headache but i hate my big sister and haven't talked to her for years.

  2. lame

  3. I don't think that Bristol is a bad girl.  I think she is more like the movie Juno.  Just because a teenage girl gets pregnant don't make her out to be some kind of monster.

    I think she is facing more pressure than any pregnant teenager in history.  Her situation should be private, but instead she is being dragged through the mud by people like you!

    I am behind Bristol 100%

  4. By your implied argument, I wonder if Barack admired his Muslim father.  Hmmmm?

  5. Obviously Democrat politicians don't feel the same way about life as Sarah

    For instance

    If you are a democrat and you knock up an innocent intern you drive off a bridge and kill both the baby and the kid you were s******g- Ted Kennedy- Mary Jo

    If you are President you can s***w a movie star_ John F. Kennedy- Marilyn Monroe

    If you are a congress man you can s***w an intern that turns up dead- Gary Condit-Chandra Levy

    If you are a Gov. of N.J. you can have high priced whores

    If you are an ex Gov. Mayor you can be g*y- Brown

    If you are the mayor of S.F. you can also be g*y

    If you are Mayor of D.C. you can get convicted of drug peddling -Marion Berry

    Sweep your own doorstep- at least the Palins didn't kill Bristols baby.

    Murder is more serious than an unwed mother. You jerks best get real.

    If you are a Demo its okay to knock up some one while you are married-John Edwards (talk about JSM) Ha.

  6. I didn't have a big sister.

    And don't you think there are more important things?  

  7. Let's leave poor Sarah and her kids alone, and instead talk about the real issues at stake in November:

    - McCain and the GOP want to ban abortion.  They believe a woman should not have the right to choose.  McCain says "Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned."

    - The GOP's support of big business/old money at the expense of the common American has enabled corporations to ship many of our good jobs overseas, so the executives could save a few $ for stockholders, and get their bonuses, while the rest of us have to worry about having a job.

    - The McCain/GOP war in Iraq has cost us $3 TRILLION!! That's $10,000 PER PERSON! It has not found WMD or bin Laden, cost 4,000+ US lives, and had no justification! I could have used that $10,000 back in MY pocket.

    - It is ironic that Republicans criticize Democrats as tax-and-spend liberals, yet this Republican administration has done more to increase the US' federal deficit than any other administration in history (they are the "New Democrats"!).  The US now owes $10 TRILLION (or $30,000 per person);  do they think our debtors (mostly China) are going to forgive that?  Do they think the voters will not remember this in November?

  8. I would think that Dem voters on the fenceline will read this kind of postings and realize how creepy the Dem Party has become.  The Democratic Party has become the party of racism, agism and sexism and much of that is demonstrated well in your fake question.  I am a lifelong Dem and am creeped out by the new faces in the Dem Party and I realize that the some really bad people are in the party and have a hate forum in the Dem Party.  How did we get to this in the party?  I will be voting for McCain/Palin because I cannot abide the freakishness of the Party.  I am holding onto to my party registration as my state is overwhelmingly Dem, but the National Dem Committee is like some wierd cabal deadset on ruining the national party.  Thank you being a perfect example of what the party has become.  

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