
Hey, talked to my high school concealer about onlineschool, but i wanna know is it hard,did u have a good exp?

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Hey, talked to my high school concealer about onlineschool, but i wanna know is it hard,did u have a good exp?




  1. its not hard, and taking online school will help u alot... because u set ur own goal and its up to u if u will do ur best to reach that goal...

    it will make u advance and help u more of life... specially in decision making and reaching ur ambitions...

    just get more infos to what process would u want to take and how high is ur brain to cope w/the lessons...

  2. well if you are smart and if you are independent I'm sure you'll do quite fine for online school but if your not quite into the whole independent thing and need some help sometimes then its not the thing for you.because when you are doing online school you dont get to ask questions like you would be able to in regular school. just my opinion (:

  3. I took almost all my college courses online and I personally loved them. Many people feel it is harder because you have to learn how to manage your time well and not slack off. There are no excuses for missing an assignment, since if you're sick or not you can still go online....and I even had homework due over vacation days and school closings. I am a fairly organized person so it worked well for me being a full time college student, plus having a job and a young daughter. But for most of my friends they hated it and dropped the online courses.

    I would not recommend them to a high school student since you also miss out on a lot of social events. High school is a great time to be around other students and meet people!

    Plus, grammar and spelling is not taught as easily online since we have spell check......

  4. my son is taking online school thru IQ academy and he just

    loves it. Go to iq acaemy online and check it out.

  5. I agree with Glurpy. Make a point to finish your work by a certain time each day or week. My kids have to finish their work by 3pm on Friday or they automatically lose 50% on any assignments turned in late. Deadlines are very motivating.

    Look at  this for more tips

    Best of Luck to You in your decisions,


  6. I use online school, and I can say the courses are pretty much as challenging as regular school courses. You have to keep in mind that YOU set the goals, and you cannot rely on anyone else to make sure you are where you need to be.

    By the way, I love online school ;)

  7. online schooling is way hard im paying my friend to do it for me right now

  8. The hardest part of online schooling is probably to make sure you actually do the work. If the online school you are thinking of has something set up where you are required to spend x hours per day or week online, that's probably a bit easier time management-wise because you've got this outside accountability. Most programs aren't like that--they want you to have flexibility in determining your own schedule. After years of having it dictated to you, this can be a hard thing. If your parents are going to be there and will set limits to make sure the work gets done or if you are determined to learn good time management skills, it will work just fine. Those I've known who have been successful with it had a very consistent routine: they were online around 8am and finished at 12pm, adding an extra hour *right* after lunch if needed. They had a "work first" policy and their work got done before they allowed themselves to go enjoy their free time.

  9. I started homeschooling online my junior year, I missed out on some events, but my true friends stuck by me, about 8 of them. I really thought i'd be able to handle the homeschooling situation. For me, public school just started today, and I would love to return for my senior year, but I haven't finished my classes from junior year yet, why you ask? I slacked, and procrastinated, I honestly didn't know what to do with my time. Now that i'm in a pickle, I realize that the kids at school motivated me to be my best, i'm the type of person who loves to compete. When you're at home my yourself, it gets a bit hard. Personally, I think it was a bad decision on my part, I should have stayed in school, and worked like I used to. I went from being a straight A student in 10th grade, to only having health, alge 2, and spanish completed in a year total. I gave up on AP Bio,  AP Lang, and AP U.S. History. I'm struggling, but i'm gonna have to dig myself out of this hole. Consider staying in high school, and taking extra classes through another online program which are transferable to your regular school. I wish you the best of luck! If you need anything, send an email.

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