
Hey, there is this boy i really like and we are close but i don't know when he will ask me out?! ?

by  |  earlier

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i have known him for 4 months and we get along really well, i don't know if i should ask him out or if i should wait for him to ask me out




  1. you should try to ask him out.

    chances are he'll say yes.

    It's a 50-50 question.

  2. as and when u offer him to do u know what he wants first  of all

  3. It's all up to you. If you think you're ready then ask him. If you wanna wait and get to know him  better then just wait. It's all up to you

  4. Okay, so you have two options...wait for him to ask you out and keep waiting becuase he may not ever get the nerve to do it. Or take the lead yourself and ask him and get what you want.

    If he says no because he's too intimidated by you asking him out, then his loss and continue being friends if you can stomach it. Or he can say yes and the both of you can be happy with the decision that the two of you are going out on dates. Huh, tough choice...

    Good luck with asking him out!  

  5. wait for him

    if he doesn't like you you'd just ruin the friendship you have

  6. dont ask him, boys should ask the girl

    and only he knows when hes gonna ask you so have a conversation and then start hinting...

  7. if you like him, drop a few hints and watch and see how he responds. if he seems to respond favorably and still doesn't ask you out then ask him out.  

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