
Hey, what do you think about a reality show dedicated to save habitats and endangered species?

by  |  earlier

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It means tracking people who do it out of love for life and nature and not for selfish vanity or search for fame. It would be a reality show(another name for documentary or biography) that would require a year or more to develop.




  1. The concept is interesting.  What would you have the contestants or participants do?  Would it be documentary-style regarding the lives of people who already do this sort of thing?  Or would you have people working in teams on a project to see who could do the most the fastest?

  2. Wow!  what an incredible idea!    Go Go Go!

  3. I think that would be a wonderful idea.It would make people see the importance of the wildlife.

  4. sounds good to me, i would pay good money to see the likes of jade goody gored to death by a hungry bengal tiger!!!!!!!

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