
Hey, what is the funniest thing/comment/issue you have been through on an aircraft? Make me laugh!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Just the funniest or weiderst thing you have seen. here is mine, an Eastern flight, with a passenger in the back who screamed every time the aircraft banked, dropped etc.. at least 15 passengers went to the head and "tossed their cookies" , I still remember this as one of the funniest "non event" events!




  1. Those are all some real good ones that I've heard.  

    I was on a routine flight from MCI (Kansas City International) to ATL (Atlanta International) and the plane ride was nice.  We came for landing and we had to hold short because a 747 was just getting off of it.  Well the pilot apparently forgot about "holding short" which means to stall and wait for further clearance.  We were already about 1000 feet away from the runaway and the pilot somehow switched to the cabin PA and started talking "Tower DAL### requesting full landing permissions, we need to land NOW" and so we all looked at each other and got the confused look and then we thought we landed because we passed at least 2 taxiways, well right when the engine clicked into reverse we dropped onto the ground (heavy headwinds) and this was a 5 foot drop or so but the ladies were freaking out.  Then we turned off onto a taxiway and the pilot finally said he hit the wrong switch to tell us to hold on.  Then he said that a 757 was going to cross our view in front of us, I was in like the 2nd row of the regular class and I looked out and saw it coming towards us.  This plane was HUGE in person, well that sucker really flew by us because we were boucing like a pimp car lol.  Then as we got off 2 runaways and on to the taxiways in between to the gate the plane must have been left in extend because we were bouncing and they had to let us sit for a minute just so the boucing would stop.  This was my favorite flight because I got to sit in the cockpit and take my picture with a pilot.

  2. As we were leaving Oslo in Norway for Copenhagen in Denmark, a crew member announced: "Welcome on board this Scandinavian Airline flight to Oslo, ..."

    When the announcement was finished, another crew member took the mike and said:

    "As you all understood, we will be flying to the other Oslo that we commonly call Copenhagen!"  :-)

  3. I was on a America West flight from Phoenix to San Francisco.  The flight was late boarding and with the plane full to capacity we were delayed being pushed back because there was a maintenance man on board s******g down a bulkhead wall to the floor up front.  The aircraft was a 737-200 so it was pretty old at the time so I suppose stuff happens but when the pilot announced that the APU was not operating and they were going to have to use ground equipment to start the engines.  I was starting to wonder if this flight was ever going to happen.  By this time I really needed to take a leak.  We finally took off and I went up to the restroom.  I thought "finally"  I started to go closed my eyes threw my head back and little did I know, I'd peed all over the floor.


  4. On my first flight to Hawaii in 2005 on a 757 for some reason when boarding they put down those overhead tv monitors and I nailed my head against the one above my seat and busted it - It was so freaking embarrassing. We never said anything LOL. It was NWA BTW.

    Also, a few years back I flew Southwest and the flight attendant sang a song to us. I have the footage, but I cant find It, I'll try posting it. The song went like, "Welcome to our Southwest plane, You heard a bell so I'll explain. Something something and please be sure, to buckle up we're heading for the runway. THE RUN RUN RUNWAY!!! Let's fly. WHY FLY FLY FLY?  something something...." Everyone was cheering. I love southwest, I hope to fly for them.

  5. Taking off from Teterborough one lousy morning.

    (Fog, rain, - the birds were walking .....had to get there).

    When we got the weather, the broadcast began brightly "GOOD MORNING Aviation Enthusiasts!

    Teterborough weather is........"

  6. Years ago, a kid on a commuter plane I took from Dallas to Amarillo boarded the plane with a squirrel in his pocket. At least I assume a kid brought it on. The smuggler was never identified. I suppose it could have been an adult with a terrible sense of humor, but I'm fairly certain the little guy wasn't a stowaway. All was well until the little varmint got agitated and took off looking for an exit. The last thing you'd expect to see on a 737 is a squirrel running down the aisle, but it happened. Ladies were screaming, other passengers were yelling and others were laughing hysterically. It ran under seats, over people, knocked over drinks, and generally just raised h**l for at least a minute until one quick guy got his hands on it as it ran over his lap. The squirrel was detained in a cabinet until we landed. Whether the squirrel was charge with attempted hijacking is unknown, but he definitely caused a stir. I'm not sure which one of us has the bigger story to tell, me or the squirrel, but I still love talking about it.

  7. **** flying

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