
Hey,Yo! Guys! What do you think of Hip-Hop Hoodies representing "British Identity"? Youse lovely Motherf*****s

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  1. yeah whatever - but hip hop isn't REALLY british now is it?

  2. It does not represent English Identity,

    Anything,  or anyone can represent British Identity though.

  3. I didn,t realise that us " British " were allowed to have an identity in our multicultural society.

    I mean, if a soldier who,s just spent a year fighting in Afghanistan cant wear his uniform in the street upon his return, who says that a " hoodie " represents all that is British.

    I feckin hate all these left wing nonces who think they know what the working man thinks.

  4. It's a travesty and a deep embarrassment. Just shows how completely out of touch the olympic organisers are.

  5. No Black person (or any other non-White) will EVER be truly British.


    I bet the Chinese will laugh their butts off at such portrayals of "British" inclusiveness. It is embarrassing.

    Down with Multiculturalism!

  6. This is not British chaps, perhaps if they were wearing bowler hats and carrying umbrellas it maybe more believable.

  7. I would say that this does not represent "British Identity."  It seems more American - although Brit youth certainly have embraced it.  

    I don't know what to tell you.  One thing is certain:  The Chinese are sure to be VERY confused by this... so maybe that's a good thing.

    Love Jack

  8. I see hip hop more in America than the Uk, They should be based more on british music.

  9. Actually that's quite artistic, however it could be worse we could have muslims represnting our national identity. 123...

  10. Who really cares i would rather see these Hip-Hop Hoodies as you put it representing us British than Gun or Knife welding thugs................  Not all young Hoodies are thugs they are just labelled as it,

  11. got a problem with hip hop have ya??????

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