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i realy hate my english teacher

coz she always talk about her baby son

wat do i do

and she always like to make fun of me...

so im realy pissed of..

well she likes to talk in peoples back aLSO




  1. Its not usually a good situation to be in with teachers. They don't forget or forgive easily. So don't try an "get even" by doing some dumb prank. It may be funny right away, but it'll make things worse in the long run.

    Just do your best and try to impress her with your homework. Study the material and answer questions in class. Hold the door for her and try to befriend her. The stories will get old, but she'll stop talking about it eventually.

    Good Luck

  2. Start a rumour about her and maake it a really bad one



  3. just make a fun out of her directly on her face without any fear and bear the consequences zis will give u more fame in ur class i have done zis many times wiz my tchers now they think twice bfore talkin to me.

  4. well from the way i see it, u cant do anything because she controls your grades...but ask your adviser in school or ask a guidance counselor. Not a good idea to confront her because what if her friends are also your teachers? they might give you lower grades or even fail you... what can i advise is to study harder and have high grades in her exams... so that you can earn her respect

  5. just think that when u dont have her as a teacher anymore u wont have to put up with it

    also when u have a baby son/girl u can torture her all about it

    i have this problem with my geography teacher...he alway talks about his daughter and he picks on me coz apparently i look like her

  6. I can't believe the immaturity of some answers.  A school is a workplace.  If you have a complaint about a teacher, student, or such.  You have your right to go complain to the correct supervisor(or in a school case,  principal).  You go to the school to learn,  not to be harassed or such.

  7. By the looks of your grammar, spelling, and sentence structure you should listen to her.

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