
Hey 10pts for some easy answers?

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Hello I wanted to know I love to dance like hip hop and modern dances i am 14 yr. old girl but I want to learn like professional routines that I can make a whole routine to dance to a song I want to dance like ciara and janet jackson but I am not that creative to make a whole dance routine and I cant get dance classes I dont have enough money but I wanted to know is there any dvds you reccomend or a website with videos or even like dance mat games.




  1. i dont really know of any.

    but i just really needed to let you know.

    Dance isn't easy. its really hard.

    and truthfully you need creativity to dance.

    or it just looks bad. all you need to do.

    its have fun with it.

    hip hop is more of a "do it yourself at home" dance

    if you learn the basics you can do it pretty easily.

    but with hiphop its really just a whole bunch of poses

    and weird movements really fast.



    i hope these help goodluckkkk

    and i take a dance class in ny city and it is really cheap it is only 75 dollars every two weeks..

    and if you want me to get u set up i cud just hit me up at or

  4. I wouldnt recommend DVDS to anyone.

    I would just say go to a real hip hop dance class.

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