
Hey Al Gore, why don't YOU pay my gas bill?

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The policies of you and those like you are one of the major reasons for high gas prices and restrictions on oil exploration. Thanks for nothing.




  1. He doesn't want to contribute to global warming.

  2. May be you heard about his house that uses 30 times the energy an average house in the US uses.Arrogant buffoon he is.

  3. So you're saying that we'd be drowning in petroleum if there weren't certain drilling restrictions in the US?  Because that's the only place that Mr Gore's policies would have any effect.  And the problem is that there really isn't all that much oil here anymore.  The disputed ANWR site in Alaska has a good deal, but only enough to provide a small fraction of our consumption.  So it wouldn't lower gasoline prices, which are high all over the world right now, more than a few cents per gallon.  

    There are large tar sand deposits in Canada, but they're still unprofitable to mine, and insofar as I can tell Mr Gore's influence in Canada is minimal.  

    Nope.  The price of gasoline is going up because we're pumping out all the petroleum the earth has to give, and it's still insufficient to satisfy the demand.  And so you'll be taking the politically-correct electric bus to your next protest meeting.  

    You'll be glad to note that gasoline prices are exceedingly high in Egypt, Indonesia, and most of the rest of the world.  We don't control it.

  4. maybe, it is not his problem to pay your gas bill. he does not have any control of the prices of those gases. let's just wait for a time and maybe those policies will have an effect

  5. How is your gas bill his Problem? his policies have NOTHING to do with gas prices rising - the blame for that is the fatcat oil types like BUSH and his cronies.

    All Gore has done is bring to our attention the VERY REAL problems were are facing, because as a group WE humans have caused them.

    Frankly i applaud his courage and research.

    IF YOU had ever actually listened to what he has to say and did some real research you would find he is quite conservative - there are many that think he his not pushing hard enough to do more!

    Before you blame someone- have a clue to what they have Actually done and educate yourself so that you can deal with the REAL problem causers.

    and unfortunately for the rest of us- attitudes like yours are part of the PROBLEM

  6. I agree, BUT how can you expect people of Gores stature to be concerned when we are paying for the gas they are using and they are not even driving themselves from place to place?

  7. He should be sued for the Global Warming . Our present situation is on him,

  8. I agree, that BOZO is responsible for a lot of this.

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