
Hey Aussies. What would you do if u see me in Australia ?

by  |  earlier

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Hey Aussies. What would you do if u see me in Australia ?




  1. Probably take you to the nearest immigration office and tell them to deport you for having an avatar that is too big.


  2. That really depends on how cute you are and what you are doing when I see you! :)

  3. Ask you if you have ever seen a decent football match and send you to an Aussie Rules game to show you one.

  4. I would run you over with the nearest bus.

  5. Typical. Another stuck up yank. Hopefully not a d**n Mormon this time.

  6. I wouldn't know if I saw you, so I wouldn't say anything I guess. :]

  7. I think a better question is what are you gonna do when you see us ????

  8. Australia is a big place for little boys to get lost in so I would help you find your mummy.

    Have fun with your new avatar baby boy

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