
Hey Baseball TC's And Local Fanatics Of This Y!A Section, Here's A Question?

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1. What Do You Think Is The Most Repetitive, Annoyin Question Asked In The Baseball Section?

2. Real Question, What Team Has The Best Relief In Baseball

Star Please!




  1. It has got to be the constant "How can a 14 year old make money online?" questions.

    I would have to say the Angels. They pretty much have the pitching perfect this season.

  2. 1. Any question releated to the bashing or worshiping or questioning of the Red Sox and Yankees,and  the "best player" or "best team" or "best player of all time" question

    "How do I throw faster?"

    "What is a better bat?

    2. Hmmm...The Yankees and Phillies with Lidge

    EDIT: i agree with the "How do I make money question"

  3. 1. How can a 14 year old make money online?

    Seriously, not even on the topic of baseball! And why would a 14 year old be trying to make money online?

    2. Phighting Phils. With Lidge and others, they are not a pen to be reckoned with. The White Sox pen is starting to struggle a bit.......

  4. 1. Lets see

    Who is your favorite team, player pitcher

    who great am i

    who is going to win the World Series

    who's better Yankees Red Sox

    Are the Yankees going to make the Playoffs


  5. 1) Whats your favorite team? Whos your favorite player? Guess this? How do I make money? Are these good stats for a 13 year old? I'm 13 and throw xx. Is this good? Whos gonna win the world series? Whos going to the play offs?

    2) Yanks or Angels

  6. How can a 14 year old make money

    Who's going to win the World Series

    How much are these cards worth

    Who's better, player A or player B

    Who's your favorite team

    The Angels have best relief pitcher in the league

  7. 1. Who's your favorite player. I think the "Dork" line of questions and the ESPN b*tching questions are up there but the "who is your favorite" just gets me every time.

    2. Philadelphia Phillies-Do you realize Chad Durbin has a sub 2 ERA through 57+ innings? Lidge has been lights out and Romero has been arguably the best lefty reliever in baseball. I know it's weird to say the Phillies have good pitching but they have the best bullpen in baseball.

  8. will such and such be a first ballot hall of famer and it being players probably won't even make it in period.

    Los Angeles Anahiem Angels

  9. The "how does a 14 yo make money" is obvious spam, I overlook that c**p for the purposes of this question.

    I'd go with either "who's going to (or win) the world series" or anything about walk-up music (which is a topic I simply don't understand the interest).

    The most annoying (because it is so utterly silly) and repetitive answer is "Nolan Ryan" to any version of "greatest/best pitcher ever". The man had his strengths and is worthy of his plaque in that interesting warehouse in upstate New York, but he also had substantial shortcomings when it came to doing the pitcher's job -- prevent runs, prevent baserunners -- such that he cannot be considered better than 25th or so.


    Toronto has the lowest relievers' ERA, 2.98, and that's in the DH league.

    Tampa Bay has the lowest opponents' AVG, .216, again in the DH league. The Rays' pen also has the lowest opponents' OPS at .650.

    The Yankees and Dodgers have the lowest relief WHIP at 1.23; the Rays, A's, and White Sox are right behind at 1.25.

    I'd go with the Rays right now.

  10. 1 "How can a 14 year old make money online?" (spam)

    "Who is going to win the World Series this year?"

    "Teh Cubs r going 2 win it all!!!! do u agree..???"

    2. Phillies (but I think Lidge is a major choke risk)

  11. 1.

    How does a 14 year old make money?

    What is so and so's walk up music?

    Who is going to win the MVP and Cy Young awards?

    Your opinion on this?  (i did 12 pushups in a row with a 120lbs on my back.....)

    How can I throw harder (or farther)?

    2. When Wood comes back and the addition of Jeff Samardzija it might be the Cubs.

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