
Hey Brits, why so mean? Can you dis someone who doesn't care, and can you take Phil Spector back?

by  |  earlier

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Oh, you're way too easy, when you get baited and resort to name calling. If Queen Victoria wasn't a little messed, she would have left her European Mainland cousins and nephews alone and you wouldn't have lost half a generation or more of youths. Then maybe you would have had enough military to not lose a whole Empire in less than 20 years.




  1. "dis"...yaawwwnnnn....

  2. Firstly I am British and I find this insulting. Britain did not cause WW1. It only entered when Belgium was invaded by Germany. Second the Empire disintegrated disappeared over 100 years not 20. And the queen is still head of state for over 40 countries because of the Commwealth. Also Britain still has over seas interests such as the Falklands.

    Your just bitter because the US has no empire even though you really want one.

  3. Nice hat.

  4. Troll alert,troll alert!Peter,what does the "s" stand for,does it stand for s**+ t?This is not name calling,it is a suspicion of what it stands for.Now go away and play with one of the land mines that your country left in Cambodia.

  5. Now Peter...what is under that hat needs help....and Americans wonder why Canadians don't like them....we are part of the Commonwealth...and as an American your eduction of History (and most courses) are taught that the US is the power house...your country was the last country to enter into your country says it couldn't be won without the US...well maybe not without your help...and the rest of the thanks you for that...but remember the Battle of Vimy was won by CANADIANS...and when the Viet Nam war was being battled the US dollar was lower than the Canadian and guess what it is starting to happen dollar will be worth less than the Canadian in a then you will have to pray "God Bless America" - but in truth you will praying that god will help you.

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