
Hey! Can someone explain me phrase "We don't have to paint by numbers".

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I learn English, I can't understand...




  1. It means that you don't have to do things in the standard or traditional way. You can be innovative in your approach.

  2. You don't have to do things exactly as the instructions say

  3. Basically means reduce to basic, like when kids learn how to paint

  4. There used to be pictures for kids (I don't know if they still have them) to help them with eye-hand coordination.  The pictures would be drawn with black lines and, in each section, it would have a number.

    When the kids got it, they would color in each section according to whichever number was written in the spot (for example: 1 = blue, 2= red, 3 = green, etc).

    The phrase in your question is basically saying, "hey, we are not kids anymore; we don't have to go by someone else's choice.  We can pick whichever colors we want to use.  We can choose for ourselves how to do things."

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