
~!Hey Canadian peeps!~?

by Guest59465  |  earlier

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Hows canada is it hot up there cause i`m clueless!




  1. You heard of this thing called the Internet which has something on it called search engines. They work great....h**l, I think you can even skip a search and just click on "Weather" on Yahoo! and find out the temperature in any nation on the planet.

    No, we all live in igloos, eat back bacon and drink Molson's swill up here.

  2. Here in Calgary it is about 93 degrees F. out and that is because it is cooling off. Not only is the weather hot but the people are too.

  3. it's around 28 Celsius at this time --- I'm across from Vancouver on the Sunshine Coast --- up from Gibsons

  4. Yes! We're burning up!

  5. Well Saturday was a wonderful day as CANADA defeated USA to win the World Field Lacrosse Championship

  6. lol hey i'm from the USA but oh well i'm guessing its hot in canada

  7. im in india but going back to canada ontario windsor.

    it is 22 23 degree celsius

  8. yes its hot. its in the 90s farenheit. a few days ago it was over 100

  9. Sup Lindsay. It's in the low 100's here in British Columbia, Canada.

  10. try living in Toronto

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