
Hey? Changing the rules mid-season?

by  |  earlier

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Wow, I'm stunned.. The AFL comission changed the inter-change rules and changed them mid season!!

Now its just a gimme goal (free kick) if you stuff up numbers or inter change..

Does this sound fair to you guys, have they got it right?




  1. Yes. I have to agree with you.

    It's not often that I agree with Mick Malthouse & some of the things he goes on about but there is sure to be some teething problems with changing rules, to such a magnitude, part way through the season.

    I can visulise an umpire stuffing up & becoming very embarrassed.

  2. Perhaps they should also change the rule to allow video umpires for balls being touched on the goal line? Then the Swans would have beaten the Kangaroos?

    OR!!!! They could just leave the rules alone during the season - much better idea!!

  3. Wow!  This sounds like the Yanks trying to change the America's Cup rules half way through the race when Australia II was beating them! lol, but I see your point. All these things should be dealt with in the off season.

  4. NoI it doesn't sound fair.

    Maybe there are some aspects of the system that need altering but when that happens it is generally introduced during the pre-season competition & scratch matches so the players & officials can familiarise themselves with the alterations.

  5. I am wondering if any of the rules are fair anymore. I haven't had enough time to look into this latest thing but from what players have said, the change was needed. But it will be interesting to see how umpires police this one!

  6. I don't really have a problem with the actual rule, as it rarely happens, but I don't agree with changing the rules mid-season.

  7. I think its fair but its not fair for the kangaroos who would have beat sydney if this rule was in a few weeks ago.

  8. not fair for all clubs

  9. I don't have a problem with it,  teams should be more professional, if they don't stuff up it won't bother any team.

    i heard Neil Balme on SEN today saying that collingwood were 24 pts up and had an extra man on the ground for 8 minutes, he wouldn't name the game or when, but he said the other side got up to be in front of them, then when they fixed it up, they ended up winning the game, true story, according to Balmy.

    it sound s fair to me.

  10. why why why that is the q afl does testing on rules and stuff at the start why not wait at the end of the season to change the rule

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