
Hey. Check out a list of atheist commandments.?

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Religious people, could live by these rules?




  1. Whoever wrote them cannot use correct grammar.  This shows some of the ignorance lying behind them.  No a religious person could not live by these rules, they are inspired by atheism and show this in their bias.  And I am not talking about separation between church and state here because this is a given among most Christian churches.

    As a Christian I have already got ten commandments which are eternally valid and perfect, and cannot be bettered.  

  2. I make my own rules.

    That's why I don't have a religion.

    You made that sh*t up.

  3. why would we have trouble with separation of church and state. Im not into commandments or anything that in any way correlates with the Bible. Thats why im an ATHEIST>

  4. Thye're not a bad set, but I don't consider them commandments and, anyway, I've broken at least number seven.

    (Unless sometimes spending all day in bed with a good book and milk and cookies is life at it's fullest.  I might be prepared to defend that position.)

  5. That's just fuel for those who insist that atheism is a religion.

  6. one would hope that all man kind would have that list

  7. haha,can't disagree with any of those points, but we don't need commandments, we know this stuff anyway, and like to figure things out for ourselves:)

  8. O great, now they think atheism is a religion again.

  9. I make my own conclusions and decisions. I see no need to open your site.

  10. Sorry, I became an atheist so I wouldn't have to follow any goddamn rules:].

  11. I think they are fine, and most atheists probably naturally agree with them because they WANT to not because they have to.  I refuse to be led around by the nose, so I am against commandments of any sort.

  12. Atheists do not have commandments, this was probably made up by some religious fan boy!!

  13. Most atheists have already broken the first and second commandment.

    Typical religious folk.

  14. Some rules there are grammatically incorrect in Old English.

    Thou shalt not believe all THEE art told

    Thou shalt constantly SEEKETH knowledge and truth.

    Thou shalt LEAVETH valuable contributions for future generations.

    Thou shalt LIVETH in peace with thy fellow man.

    thou shalt LIVETH this one life THY have to its fullest.

    Thou shalt support YE who follow these commandments.


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