
Hey GUYs Do you Like Being CAlled a STud??

by  |  earlier

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so just say a girl texted u and said "hey wats up stud" or just called u a stud in a friendly way.. would u appreciate being called a stud or would u just think it was weird and dumb??




  1. I've been called a horses behind, does that count?

  2. IF A GIRL TEXTED ME I WOULD BE ALL OVER that and take it as a compliment :) BUT if a guy called me that they would get there face Socked

  3. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. You insulted him. Now apologize.

  4. If the girl is someone I really care for, I would really hate her for calling me like that.

    If she's just my ******, it's normal for her to call me her stud.

  5. the last place i learnt about studs, they were pedigree animals used in mating.

  6. i like it.

  7. Tuco is called a Stud all the time.

    Tuco likes it.


  8. i call people "studs" all the time haha it even crosses over to girls when they do something funny or cool lol! guys better like being called a stud!

  9. Better stud than dud.  There are so many worse names I've been called, so I would take "stud" as a friendly compliment.  Maybe "stud" is the "dude" of the new millenium.

  10. nah, its just like, whats up dude

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