
Hey Guys! Did you Know Manny is Willing to Go to any team?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think he will go to the YANKEES!?!?! :O




i have no evidence to back that up!!!!





  1. He is going to get traded and I doubt Boston will send him to the Yankees. Probably the Mets or Braves. He has to approve the trade though so if he doesn't like it then will say no. He will go to a team that will give him 100 million over 4 years. At least, that is what I heard. Go Yankees. I hope they get him.

  2. He SAYS any team, but trust me, as much as he wants away from Boston, and has so for a while, he still wants to go play with a contender. Perhaps the following:


    2- Rays

    3- Indians

    4- Tigers

    5- Twins

    He will command alot of cash and not many teams can or will pay that much. More realistically,  Yankees are known to spend, and he would probably liek to end his career in his hometown. I woudl not be surprised though about Minny. They have a very talented staff, and yet on a somewhat low payroll.

  3. Manny is going to go play on the Iraqi Shittes.

  4. Didn't he say he would play on the moon or something.  Send him there.  He will be the same no matter what he team he plays for, annoying & a distraction

  5. Yes I do

    0h W3ll~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    OMG =O barry bonds took steroids! #$^%^$@!^!


  6. I hope that the Red Sox trade him away and don't win another world Series for 86 years. They would be the stupidest people in the world to get rid of their best player.

  7. Not to be mean or anything but the Comments your making  is not helping you and is making you look stupid, an i know your smarter than that

  8. Giants Stink haha LoSeR you dum Bonds did take roids u funny not lol Don't root for my team root for your own gey losing team!86 yrs. not a bandwagon fan!

  9. i hate both the ynkees and the red sox. i hope he just retires

  10. hopefully he goes to the yanks

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