
Hey Hillary supporters, If Mccain wins Hillary has a shot in 2012.Will that make you switch?

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If You all vote for Obama, HIllary may not stand a chance in 2012. Mccain is up there in age , so chances are he will only serve one term. Which will practically ensure Hillary a win in 2012.




  1. That's got to be the worse reason to vote for someone I've ever heard.

    "Yeah, put in McCain and let's hope that he doesn't get us into more wars and s***w up the economy, just so Hilary can get in"

  2. That is just one reason to vote for McCain.

    Consider who and what Obama really is, and that should clinch the deal.

  3. Oh yeah..

    So McCain can set us back 20 more additional years than Bush already has?

  4. You must think women are as stupid and gullible as McCain thinks we are. Luckily, we have a brain and we realize that Obama has the same goals as Hillary had and it's not worth the gamble of 4 more years of republicans in the white house.

  5. no way.

    not a chance.

    mccain: no no no.

  6. So, what you are saying, is that Hillary now has no chance at all of winning 2012?  

    McCain has already thrown his campaign under the bus.  

  7. It already has made me switch.

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