
Hey I'm 13 and my p***s has what looks like a plastic layer on the bell. Does someone know what it is?

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what's up with my p***s?




  1. S.T.D. Thats what happens when you are a pimp

  2. well it could just be preejaculation  

  3. umm, f******n ?

  4. There are only two things that I can think of;

    You are probably uncircumcised, and that could be the f******n or it could be smegma, if it was under the f******n, particularly around the base of the glans (which is what you're referring to as the "bell").

    You can gently wash this off, it's an accumulation of mucal secretions and sloughed off dead skin cells.    It's not dangerous.     Many individuals who have never even seen smegma talk about it as if it were the worst substance in the world.   Females produce it too, in the labial folds and the clitoral hood.

    You may not be able to get it all off at once, don't try too hard, just wash it gently every time you bathe, and you can even take a long warm bath to help loosen any deposits.

    80% of the men in the world are intact, with a f******n, and they have great s*x lives, as shown by the birthrates in the countries that don't mutilate their males by circumcision.        

    Don't sweat it, just pull back the skin and wash daily, don't use harsh soaps on it--these can irritate the glans.

    The best of luck to you.

  5. It's a girl's spit.

  6. I'm not a guy, but I'd image that's the f******n.  Either that or someone laminated your dong in your sleep.

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