
Hey. I'm a girl who likes to drink a lot. Is it a turn off for guys when a girl is drunk?

by  |  earlier

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i've had the experience of guys disliking me when i'm drunk. i don't get why though. drunk guys aren't a turn off for me, they're just having fun. we all need to have fun once in a while.




  1. Only if there's the possibility (or reality) of vomit becoming a factor…everyone else is just being preachy and patronizing.

  2. If you're just buzzed and having fun, still able to carry on a conversation, that's fine... if your stumbling drunk and can't control yourself, that sucks

  3. Psychologically getting drunk to have fun tells a person you are insecure about having fun when you are sober.

    Means you need a drug to loosen you up.

    I don't like girls that are drunk every day.  Twice a week is fine.

    Think about this.....  What does the average person associate drunk people with?

    Is that negative or positive?

    It's negative.  So people get a negative image from you drinking.

    But it's your life, do as you wish.  More of you die, more jobs it's for the rest of us.

  4. It is a huge turn off if girl is a drunk. My boyfriends told me so. You can drink but not to much and most importantly don't drink and drive!!!

  5. it depends on what kind of drunk you know? sometimes after having some ( or alot) of drinks, we aren't aware of how we are acting ( even though we think we are behaving fine) time you go out, try and be more aware of how you are acting after you have a couple of drinks...and maybe that is where the problem lies. Also...regardless if it's a guy or a one likes a sloppy drunk..besides how can you have an actual conversation if you keep falling off the bar stool?

  6. If you get naked then generally no. If you get obnoxious, loud and irritable then yes. I had a gf that would cry everytime she got drunk. That didn't last.

    Of course my wife picks a fight with me every time she has too much.

    I've got a 9 month hiatus from that though. Yippee!

  7. How drunk are we talking? Falling down...slurred speech...throwing up on my shoes drunk? No not s**y. A woman who likes to have a good time on occasion, can hold her liquor and still have a great time...nothing better.

    h**l, my girlfriend and I had a drinking contest on or second or third date...three years later we are looking to get married later this year or early next.

  8. I hear from guys that yea, they do think it's a turn-off to see a woman drunk. You can't deny that a woman's image is different from a man's, so to guys it's not the same thing to see a drunk man and to see a drunk woman. I've had a guy tell me, Wow, it's SO ugly to see a woman drunk.

    It may be having fun, but to a lot of guys it's different...seeing a woman drunk and lose control of herself defies their positive image of her. That's just how it is.

  9. Too bad you need to drink to try and get people to like you.

    AA seems to be calling your name.

  10. I think as long as you aren't off your face then why not?! But it's the same old girl guy thing of one rule for one and one rule for another, such is life I'm afraid! But I do think that you should live your life how you want to live it if a guy doesn't want to no you when your drunk then he obviously doesn't like you that much. Focus on having a good time bugger the men!

  11. You probably get obnoxious and annoying.... maybe thats why they dont like you.

  12. If a guy wants to get to know you for more than a piece of *** then that is a HUGE turn off. What guy wants a sloppy hanger on except for easy s*x?

  13. Drunk sloppy girls are a big turn off, just not an attractive feature at all.

  14. It is a turnoff... and you will never know why...

    because when you're drunk you can't tell how you are really behaving...

    girls who are "all together" even when they've

    had a few drinks are usually the ones who get the "nice attention".

    Stop when you think you've had just enough. :o)

  15. Well maybe you haven't met the right guy yet. The one that will LOVE when you are drunk. That way he can say it was consentual instead of rape. (do you get it? )

  16. hey as long as you're puttin out they dont care

  17. Its ok to drink now and then but control the amount because a girl getting drunk can be a turnoff.

  18. I have honestly never heard this. I can think of...maybe one guy in all my life who didn't respond positively to my drunkenness...and I guess that was because he never drinks.

    Maybe you're a different kind of drunk...too loud or too sloppy? I can hold my liquor pretty well, so when I'm drunk, I'm mainly just having a lot of fun and letting loose. Most guys enjoy these things (esp since I'm pretty reserved, normally). And it's not always about getting in your pants. Even guys that care about you as a friend can like it when you're drunk because you're just more at ease.

    Anyway, don't worry about it. If they don't like it, they don't have to be there. Have fun.

  19. Yah, you are a horrible drunk.  Everyone I know is scared to be around you if they know you've been drinking.  I know this because tyler knows this.

  20. love it, drunker the better

  21. Guys like when girls are drunk but it's how you act and what you say when you're drunk.

  22. absolutley a turn off...dont be a bar floozie

  23. yea when theyre a stupid annoying drunk

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