
Hey I'm going into 7th grade any advise?

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sorry but i dont want to hear just to relaxs

also my school is where 6th grade is the start of

middle school so its not like im going from one class to six

but do you have any advise




  1. uhmm..a lot of stuff is bouts to happen...jus wait 4 8th grade its even bettr=]

  2. dont do drugs stay in school! :D

  3. Hey that was my fav year of midd school. lol now im in 11th and its FUN....not.... but yeah have fun! answer my ? please;...

  4. If I catch you with your junk flappin' in the breezed next to a woman, you'll taste the back of my hand!

    But, any way. It's nothing. Even high school is nothing much. You wouldn't know it though because every one suddenly try's to act mature.

    Oh, don't shop at Abrocrombie and...What ever the h**l it is!  

  5. Study, do ur Homework, don't dress like a s**t, be good with teachers and friends, don't get into bad habits (y'know what i mean)

  6. Well 7th grade is pretty easy. its the year before your last year of middle school, so its nothing to stress on. Its not your first year or your last. Just relax, do your homework, join some clubs and have fun. Its not your funnest year but it wont be your worst!

  7. Be yourself !

    Don't get yourself into drama, because in the end, you'll realize how stupid you are !

    Don't slack off, or you'll regret it !

    Don't follow the crowd !

    Don't do drugs !

    & you'll be fine. :)

  8. Be the stud on the basketball team!

  9. do your homework.

    everyday! :p

  10. well i think thats very good and its going to be fun

  11. come to school everyday

  12. don't do drugs. don't dress like a s**t. don't drink. do your homework. study. do everything your mom says. i just graduated H.S. last year and i did the opposite of all that from middle school up to now and i regret it big time. Study! Don't pay attention to the boys. In 7th grade they just want to be cool. Do what you know is the right thing to do!

  13. -don't think your better than everyone else

    -don't be a part of drama

    -try to get good grades

    :] have fun

  14. be yourself

  15. do drugs dont stay in school

  16. well, have fun wit it sevie.

  17. Don't act like you own the school, you still have the 8th grade


    And be prepared to study and pay attention!

  18. picture walruses eating creamsicle bars.

  19. Don't follow the sheep. Also don't start thinking doing the wrong thing is cool.

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