
Hey I have a question about a class discussion?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, well my "teacher" brought up the subject evloution and our creation. What do you think?

Okay he said there are proteins and DNA matters that we aren't even using now, that may have been needed for the past( like cave men eating raw we get sick from it because we don't need that certain protein to digest and process that meat and its bacteria) Well, could we have proteins and DNA particles that we aren't using now but they are to prepare us for the future? Like Small pox to chicken pox? Could it go from Cancer treatment in the future become somthing like the common cold...You can get rid of it in just a few weeks or months like mono? What do you think. This is not for religious purposes. I am a Christian so don't get the wrong idea about me or anything, I am asking at a students stand point.




  1. the body will somehow adapt and adopt certain conditions to survive.  certain DNA etc will develop as we eat modern food.  scientific research is also moving fast so a good research wld result in +ve finding.

    pl dont mix religion with science as our church is bogged down with outdated dogmas and that sci and relig shld really go hand in hand for the betterment of society

  2. They should  teach both.

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