
Hey!! I have a question about me please!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok im only 14 but im really good with kids and i used to babysit but the people i babysat for moved. So i wanna start up again. But idk if anyone will hire a 14 year old girl to take care of their kids. The kids i babysat were 3,7,and 10. Question: Are there people who will hire me to babysit?




  1. yeah, im 14 and i babysit, just be prepared for them to ask you a BUNCH of questions.

    and make sure they no how much they are paying you.go online to find out the going rate in ur area, or email me!!!

  2. Yea definitely look in the newspaper or put an ad in the newspaper, or you could post a flyer up. But people would let you babysit their kids especially since you have experience.

  3. 25-30 years old ppl

  4. yea that was the age i started too but be careful who you babysit fo ask your parents if they have any friends who might need a babysitter but only friends that your parents have know for a long time

  5. I'd hire ya!

  6. yeh alot of people probally will as long as you can prove that your responsible enough

    good luck finding someone that will hire you i know where i come from theres like a ton of ads in the paper for babysitters looking for a job

  7. yeah. ur a great age for baby sitting

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