
Hey--I have a question!?

by  |  earlier

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are you suppose to thank someone when you recieve Best Answer?

do they even check?




  1. Yes. People always like to be appreciated. And telling someone that their answers have been really helpful is good. So next time you choose your best answers, tell them how helpful/Beneficial their answer was, in a short note.

  2. i dont

    sometimes the community chooses the best answer for someones question so its not always the person who asks that chooses  

  3. i always come back and see what the person said back

  4. yeah bcoz whnever i give best answer i check it...

  5. i dont do it...

  6. um. you can try it. they might give you best answer again

  7. I always do it. I say Thanks a lot for choosing my answer as the best answer.

  8. i never do it

  9. I check to see if the person said anything about my answer, but I don't reply with a thanks. I am always thankful for a best answer though:]

  10. Pick my answer as best and you'll find out.

  11. I always check back to see if they made any comments...

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