
Hey I have an question RE: teeth!?

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I had a tooth pulled (upper) a few months back. it was a difficult extraction and it came out in pieces. now every once in a while it abscesses and pops...then i get a nasty taste in my mouth where the hole is..the gum is closed but it does this like once a week...also i have been noticing that i have been getting headaches when i bend over? weired right? i went back to the dentist who pulled the tooth and he ex rayed it and he said there is a little piece of tooth/bone still stuck in the gums! he said it will work its self out! but its been 2 weeks since that and no i even notice my bottom teeth are sensitive now all the time....any suggestions on what i could do or if i got some kinda gum infection? thanks




  1. It could be due to the small piece of root in there it takes at least a few months to work it self out. Give your self 1 month and if the pain hasnt gone, see an oral surgeon cos then it means the tooth piece is quite large

  2. Sometimes with difficult extractions pieces of root or bone are left behind and can over a period of time work their way out.In my experience as a dental nurse these pieces of bone or root can take quite a while to work their way out.It sounds like other things are happening as well.I would book an appointment with your dentist and explain about the lower teeth and the upper socket(where you had the tooth extracted)getting infections.Personally i would ask for that piece to be removed,i know that sounds like a pain in the ****,but i think that's the only way to see if the infections with socket go away.........good luck.

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