
Hey..I have somequestions about getting preg. w/o having s*x..and thinking ur preg. and ur body reactin 2 it..

by  |  earlier

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Ok..i was wit this boy..(im a virgin) and he thought that i was going to let him do IT to me but i wasnt.. he took it out but didnt put it in.. it wasnt even by the hole..i may be trippin since that was not really but kind of my first time but now im startin to think that maybe his pre-*** may have gotten in there some how (lol) but my friends say that im crazy and i know for a fact that he didnt *** for not even sure if he did pre-***...idk..i took a test and it said negative..that settled me a lil bit but i keep thinkin bout it way too much and i heard that if u think ur preg. than ur body will act accordingly!!! ma b***s are hurtin a lil bit and im cramping but i think thats cuz it is a week be4 ma period....he told me that i couldnt be preg. cuz it wasnt even in..lots of people told me that it would have to be in in order for the sperm to make it to the falopean tube and make the whole journey!!! please tell me what yall think! and not to be rude but plz dont answer if ur not totally sure!!! thanks a billion!!!! and how can i reply to u guys if i wanna say sumthin to u!!!! idk..hit me up... thnx




  1. You said you took a pregnancy test and it came up negative. But then you said that you're getting symptoms a week before your period. It sounds like you took the test way before you were supposed to. In order for the test to be accurate you have to take it the DAY you are expecting your period. 4 days before that is 50 percent accurate. If you guys had genital to genital contact it is possible. Take another test, or see a doctor. Goodluck.  

  2. If you did not have s*x, if he did not penetrate you, if you did not take a glob of s***n and put it in your v****a, you are not pregnant.

  3. I'm going to tell you a great big secret.

    Sperm can't fly. They can only swim. It's the only way they can get from Point A to Point B.

    So knock it off already, you're not pregnant.

  4. Stop worrying, if he didnt stick it in I doubt you are pregnant, the only other way you could have gotten pregnant is if he fingered you and had his pre-*** or *** on his hands...but even if he did its highly unlikely that you got pregnant from it...if you stress about it and worry you will convince yourself that you are pregnant and your body will act accordingly, meaning you will have pregnancy symptoms and not be pregnant, plus you took a pregnancy test and it came back negative...if you want take a 2nd pregnancy test just to prove to yourself that you arent pregnant

  5. I suggest you go to a doctor if you aren't sure. You rather be safe than sorry.

  6. what does "***" mean

  7. you're stupid.

    you're not pregnant.

    get a life.

  8. no you cant be pregnant.

    pre-*** could only be a hazard if you guys actually had s*x.

    and i know exactly what you mean about your body thinking your pregannt

    i stressed so much about it before that i was having almost ALL the symtoms

    missed period, sore b***s, cramps, nausea.

    but i realized my stress was causing this.

    So just chill. you're not pregnant!

    remeber, use protection everytime you have s*x!


  9. my aunt was a virgin when she had her 1st child, it swimmed up there, It could happen but only if his p***s was close to ur ********

  10. Your not pregnant....

  11. Are you the Virgin Mary? No. You are not pregnant. And I suggest the following.

    1. Take a spelling/grammar class.

    2. Take sexual education

    3. Get on birth control

    4. Do not even THINK about a p***s before doing all of the above or you will be another dim witted teenage mother.

  12. o my goodness......your gonna be ok...ur deffinatly not pregnant i mean i guess there could be some miraculous case where the pre swam up ur leg and into your v****a but odds are that didnt happen so dont sweat it and dont put ur self in that position again if u arent willing to accept the consequences an at home pregnancy test is going to take about 5 weeks to show accuratly and pregnancy syptoms take just as long if not longer  

  13. Don't worry about it.

    You took a test, it was negative..

    He didn't even go in, so it would be pretty hard for you to get pregnant.

    Just don't stress about it; that could cause your period to be late and also make you think you have more symptoms.

    Just wait till your period comes, you'll be fine.

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