
Hey I have two dwarf hamsters my dads wife brought them a love nest I don't know what to do

by  |  earlier

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know they they have 4 days old baby hamtsers none of them died yet and i hope they don't!

but cool HUH!




  1. first of all separate the father from the mother. Second keep a close eye on them, mother hamsters have been known to eat they're babies. Third as soon the babies are 5 weeks old separate them (males from females) otherwise you will have a huge colony of hamsters in a matter of weeks. and always keep the hammies well feed and watered.

  2. aww sweet

    maksure you have extra fresh water - maybee even milk

    more better quality food especially protein

    quiet spot and not to many visitors

    don't disturb the nest/clean them out eept roomove p**p with gloved hands

    anythin else??


  3. nice u have babies thats kl hope it all goes wel for ya  

  4. 1) Dont touch the pups until they are at least 2 weeks old. The mother knows what to do. If you have to move them, use a spoon (if you get your smell on the pups, it will increase the chances that she will kill them). But avoid moving them at all unless you have to.

    2) Take out wheels or any other toys. They could result in injury to the pups later on. As mentioned before, if the father is still in the cage, remove him.

    3) Dont clean the cage. Avoid noise or other intrusions. The less stress the mother has, the better off the pups will be. If the mother gets too stressed she will panic and kill the pups (and probably cannibalize them).

    4) Make sure she has lots of food. She should have continual access to an overflowing food dish and clean water. Feed her small pieces of hard boiled egg or bread soaked in milk. But dont leave it in there too long, as it will spoil. If she doesnt eat all of it, remove it.

    5) At 5 or 6 days, spread some wheat germ around the cage. The pups will eat this a little, and it will help wean them from the mother. Not absolutely necessary, but it will help.

    Pups will be mobile within 10 days or so, so make sure they cant get out of the cage.

    Pups should be fully weaned by three or four weeks, then you can determine their s*x and separate them into their own cages. You can use tupperware tubs with high sides as a temporary "cage" for them. Females can stay with the mother indefinitely, but males have to be separated...dwarf hamsters reach sexual maturity quickly, and you want them to avoid getting pregnant.

  5. Cool!!!!! :D hehe

    Good luck with them x]

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