
Hey I need super help fixing my yugioh deck?

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Hey guys. I've been out of this game for god knows how long and I wanna get back but I honestly have no idea whats been going on and am looking for some quick fixes to my old warrior/zombie deck. There are lots of changes to be made so an advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.




  1. For starters, you should know that a LOT has changed. So, whether your old warrior/zombie deck is highly efficient during his days or not, you can be certain that it won't stand a chance against the new generation decks. So the best option would be to research the new archetypes nowadays.

    Most people play with these archetypes now:


    Gladiator Beasts

    Crystal Beasts

    Six Samurai

    Elemental Hero


  2. first off you shouldnt have more then two of any card in your deck.

    i know that three is whats allowed but i think that it should only be two.

    also if you drop down your spells and traps your deck will run much more effectively.

    but on a side note dont fill bad about not knowing whats going on. i have one deck remaining and im not ever going to change it. i keep it b/c its my favorite theme type.

    dinosaurs are great.

    but i actually quit playing a while ago and started playing magic but in my little town no one plays anything.

    to comment on what the person above me said thats totally not true yeah i havent played in a long time either but i know my dino deck would stomp the new themed decks with no problem.

    zombies are also a great type.

    there the reason i switched to dinos because my old decks couldnt beat the zombies but my dinos did.

  3. first you need to decide what kind of deck you are going to make  your cards are to much all over the chart

    as yugi said in the tv show

    you need to have cards that compliment and/or work together

    or your deck is never going to win

  4. The deck is good, but add a little more cards up to about 50-60. Add some more traps and zombies and you should be fine.Add coffin Sealer, Just Desserts, and Raigeki Break.

    Hope this helps.

  5. nerdatron

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