
Hey I want to know how can I get a good paying overseas Job. I have good work skills.?

by  |  earlier

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But I do not have a HS diploma. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!




  1. No one is going to pay for a work permit for someone with no education and no skills, except the US allows in a certain number of farm workers for a maximum of 6 months.  If you want to pick citrus, lettuce, etc. that is the only program which allows unskilled, uneducated temporary workers.

    Cruise ships require a minimum of a h.s. diploma, and some of the positions require merchant marine training and card.  Crew pay is poor, but you get a bunk and crew meals.

    There is no such thing as a "good paying job" for anyone with less than a university degree plus expertise in something.

  2. I think you can try KBR (Kellog Brown and Root) I think you can go anywhere overseas, You can join the army without a HS Diploma they will take anybody, but they don't pay that good.

  3. Apply for a job with a cruise ship

  4. MMMMM,  overseas where?

    oh well challenge a test

  5. Get your GED.  Then get a TESL credential to teach English as a Foreign Language.

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