
Hey.I was watching the snooker last night and one of the players did a strange shot!!!?

by Guest63438  |  earlier

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It was either joe perry or ali carter.They potted a red and the white spun/reversed back and potted ANOTHER red on the same shot and the ref didnt call a foul!!! How does the snooker rules stand on this?!




  1. if you are potting the red and say 7 reds go in then you have scored 7 points then you carry on with a colour.If you pot a red and a colour at the same time then it is a foul.

  2. A draw shot in Snooker !!!!

    What will they try next a combo or even a bank shot !!!!

  3. You can pot as many reds as you can with one shot as long as you are on the red colour.     Its just a fluke

  4. two reds in one go is ok

  5. Its the colour you're on so thats ok. You score two points for it.

    One per ball. So if you potted four reds in that shot,you'd score four.

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