
Hey Puerto Rico! What do u think about this?

by Guest10654  |  earlier

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People of Puerto Rico rank ver high on this list:

And why not? Puerto Rico really is the 'Isla del encanto' :)




  1. I see Puerto Rico is number 5 on the list of happy countries.  But if you look at it in two ways. First, I live here and there are things that can be improved to make it more happier, such as the following:

    1.less WAITING at bus stops

    2. lower prices (bread just went up to $2.49 a loaf)

    3. no taxes (excise tax is 6.6 +state tax of 7.0 + city taxex of 1.0 collected from 50 cents up and not from a dollar up)

    Now, happy because:

    1. Many people find ways to stop stress during work

    2. music is always heard every where and all types of music is played

    3. There are many holidays here along with the Federal holidays celebrated in the States

    4. Many families always gather together on weekends and all chip in for bbq's and cookouts.

    But the real happieness is to know that you are healthy, have a job and are able to share with others.  Many here like all places in the world are not happy, but depends because each person is different in many ways.

    Only you can make the difference.

    One smile or a laugh can bring a day of joy.

  2. How often do we answer "good" or "I'm doing good" when we are asked "how are you?" when in fact we are not doing so well? I know I have done it before because it is easier to say "good". If we don't and say "no, I'm not doing so well" then other questions will follow, and who wants to feel interrogated especially when it is personal. Looking at this particular survey I will say it is not a valid one and philosophers will agree.

    On the other hand, I have to say Puerto Rican living in the island will find ways to feel better in stressful situation. Find ways to fight stress or anything similar may bring happiness, but at the end, esoterically speaking, happiness is only temporary!

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