
Hey Republicans, who's going to pay for your tax cuts?

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Your grandchildren perhaps? Or should we just keep putting all that money(1 trillion dollars and counting) on the card?

It seems to me you don't get the concept that the government needs to take in money in order to spend money. Sure Obama is going to raise corporate taxes and income taxes on the top 5%, but isn't that the responsible thing to do? Intrest on the debt is about 250 billion a year, and is about 9% of the federal budget.

Even George Bush the first raised taxes because he realized that the "card" is maxed out.




  1. China!

    Wasilla had no outstanding debts when palin became mayor but owed 21 million by the time she was finished spending.  about 3,000 per person in that little town.

  2. Hey smart guy, when taxed less, people have more money to spend, which stimulates the economy. Every single thing that we do and buy is taxed. Everything. More consumer spending=less debt. If you raise corporate taxes, they cut jobs, and they also cut investments. In slow economic times, the worst thing you can do is raise taxes. Use your head.

  3. The RICH you silly person!!!!

    Economics 101:  When you lower taxes, tax revenues GO UP!!!!  And most of that revenue comes from THE RICH!!!!!

    The key is not spending all of that extra revenue and then some!!

    The government is just like the majority of Americans: writing check teir @ss can't cash!!  WOOOO!


  4. Bush and his gang keep hollering cut taxes,and we keep sinking deeper and deeper in debt.If that's his idea of prosperity,give me the old Clinton days.Alley cat Bill knew how to keep us solvent.  

  5. O.K.. Steven what do we quit spending on? Let's start with infrastructure,first the bridges, then the roads. Then we can do away with all government jobs. How about the military? Then OSHA, FEMA,And all the other agencies that help this country run, and be safe. What do you say about that. All we had to do was, say no to Bush on Iraq, and we could have saved seven hundred BILLION dollars, and 4200 lives,and thousands maimed.  

  6. There are two ways to have money

    Get more - Democrats

    Spend less - Republicans

    Democrats raise taxes because they can't think of any other way to get money, and the concept of cutting out earmarks and government waste is foreign to them...Plus, they need a lot of money to pay for all of their earmarks, special interests, and social programs.

    Lower taxes = People have more of their own money to spend

    More money to spend = People buy more things

    People buy more things = We have to make more things

    We have to make more things = More people working

    More people working = More income taxes paid

    So...Lowering taxes = MORE tax revenue

  7. as long as im not paying for "some"people to keep laying around popping out babies and being on welfare...i dont really care....cause the free ride is over...

  8. Hey lefty, tax cuts pay for themselves with increased revenues.  

  9. / Republicans are going to pay for the tax cuts by cutting government waste and spending.

    Bush will be gone, so that old fake comment by Obama in every speech begining with, "George Bush and John McCain...blah, blah, blah..." isn't believable b those who think for themselves.

    McCain is saying no to earmarks (like Obama gave Rezko, and other cronnies during his short 134 days in the Senate).

    Republicans don't need to tax and spend like the Democrats.

    Who is going to pay all the promises Obama is giving to all different groups he speaks to?  He says, "I'm going to give you a check for blah, blah amount, and to another group, the same thing.

    The answer is that Democrats expect YOU to pay all of those promises from your hard earned money.

    What do you think your living wage will be like when you have this poor quality Universal Healthcare?  You'll be sunk!

    Please think for yourself, and don't listen to the empty suit that did nothing but write 2 books about himself, and buy a multi-million dollar house for next to nothing.  

  10. Don't you get it? Thats why reppoobligans are pro-life.  Someone has to pay for their excess!  Their kids!  The frickin Vampires expect to balance the budget on their own grand children.

  11. Who's going to pay for our tax cuts? I figured you would. You or your mom, anyway.

  12. Well I hate to spoil your failed logic, but, once again, a democrat has humiliated himself.

    The government brings in more money when they lower taxes. It stimulates the economy and creates business and spending, which in turn creates more revenue and taxable income.

    The rich paid more money under Regan than under Clinton because of this.

    If anyone thumbs me down you will be handing over a confession that you understand nothing of supply-side economics or the trickle-down theory.

  13. They just want to make sure it's not them paying for it......comical.....

  14. OR, theres the QUIT SPENDING WHAT YOU DONT HAVE option.

  15. Um, you need to learn some basic arithmetic.  Tax cuts don't have to be "paid for".   Tax cuts mean that the people who earned the money have less taken from them.  

    Also, tax cuts have historically INCREASED the revenue to the Treasury, as tax cuts stimulate the economy.  Listen to what John Kennedy, a Democrat, said about it:

    "It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now. The experience of a number of European countries and Japan have borne this out. This country's own experience with tax reduction in 1954 has borne this out. And the reason is that only full employment can balance the budget, and tax reduction can pave the way to that employment. The purpose of cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy, which can bring a budget surplus."

    Since this has been proven multiple times, why do Democrats still talk about this ridiculous business of paying for tax cuts?  Are they stupid?

    Or just evil?

    Oh, and who is it that has given us the massive, and illegal, social programs that take most of the tax revenue?

    The Democrats.

    And who is it that has stymied every effort to get Social Security on a sound financial footing?

    The Democrats.

    And who is it that has repeatedly 'borrowed' from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for yet more social programs?

    The Democrats.

    So, concern about our grandchildren coming from Democrats is pure hypocrisy.

  16. I love how Republicans say 'just cut, cut, cut'.   NO GOVERNMENT has ever been able to cut spending.   Busyh raised spending at record levels....he had a bigger increase in his first two years than Clinton had in all please get off this 'Liberal spending' thing.   Start dealing with reality.


    This is why Obama's plan makes so much more sense.   80% (everyone making less than $250,000 a year) gets a tax cut, yet we still pay the bills, by taxing those who don't need every last penny to buy gas or pay the rent....We don't have to loan the money from China.

    It's responsible government, something we haven't had since Bill Clinton was in office.

  17. The last time I checked Congress spends the money according to the constitution. Right now the Democrats control both houses. So call your congressman or woman and complain to them. What part of raising taxes is passed down to the consumer do you not understand? It's kind of like minimum wage increases. The cost of producing then goes up and then the price of goods goes up negating the gain and lowering the buying power of those that made more. Maybe you should also talk to your congressman or woman about class warfare also.

    I want you to take a few minutes and think what I am saying before you react. Business pays no tax. They just pass the cost onto consumers. Which in layman terms, means goods cost you more. YOU PAY THE TAX! If the top 5% of wage earners pay over 50% of the taxes now, how much more do you want out of them?

  18. Hey Dumb As I mean Dems who is going to pay for your tax hikes!

  19. Republicans used to be the party of fiscal restraint and responsibility.

    I know; I was one.

  20. No, the solution is to cut whatever it takes from the budget to get it under control.  Then once the debt is paid off you can start looking into restarting any worthwhile programs.

    The government is not intended in any way shape or form to control or manage the lives of citizens. The U.S. became great because of it's focus on individuals  managing their own lives independent of the government.

    On a side note,  increases to corporate taxes means more companies moving overseas. The US already has the largest tax rate on corporates in the world, so it's no wonder we can't keep any companies in the U.S.

  21. Obama said it in his speech

    "The market will fix it"

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