
Hey Republicans.. Why hasn't any of John McCain SEVEN Children appeared with him on the Campaign trail?...hmmm?

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What could it be,




  1. I think they're ashamed of him.

    Meghan McCain took time out from her busy shopping spree to show up with her adopted sister...the rest? Who knows?

  2. Of the seven children three are on active duty with the military. Two of the daughters have and are with him continually and the other two appear off and on at different places in the country.

    Two of the three are in Iraq now and the third one is at Annapolis Navel Academy.

  3. They have lives of their own.  At least two are in the Marine Corps, and one made visits with McCain to visit those who have lost loved ones in the Middle East.

    Unlike Obama, most people don't need a camera crew to care.

  4. Because they are busy and have lives to live, unlike many of Palin's kids who are young and must show up.

  5. They were there at the convention last night.  Did you know the Mc Cains adopted a girl from Bangladesh and when he ran against Bush in 2000,  the Bush team started a smear campaign saying she was Mc Cain's love child with a  black woman.?  Maybe thats the reason he doesnt wanna put them in the spotlight.

  6. Okay, I give up. They have two heads? They are X Men mutants? Cindy and John keep them chained in a dungeon? Am I getting warm?  

  7. Oh you mean the one over in Iraq?

    Where Obama the Coward or Biden the Bumbler would never go?

  8. his daughter has and 2 of them in Iraq, I know some of them don't talk to him

    To the first idio....person who answered... Biden's son is being deployed to Iraq, but unlike Palin, he does not exploit it

  9. OMG!!! LOL!!!! I have been thinking the same thing this whole campaign season. If his own children will not support him, what makes the Republicans think the rest of America should? Palin better watch out before her kids become the same way. Also, for those answers above saying that his kids are adults and have jobs; if one of my parents were running for a political office I would take a temporary leave from work to assist with campaigning. And at the least, I would take off for the couple of days that the convention is in session. Like the author of this question said "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM". this situations is somewhat suspicious

  10. You didn't see them tonight at the convention?  To bad.  They look like a nice family.  As for following him around on the campaign trail.  Why would they?  I would imagine it's because they have lives of their own.

  11. They are grown up and have jobs, except for the adopted daughter, who has been at the convention.

  12. Senator McCain and his wife are protective of their children, their well being, and shield them from unnecessary press onslaughts, photo's etc....not unusual....but very unlike what they are doing to the Palin family which speaks to something else entirely to me....

    An Independent's point of view....

  13. Here is your answer - nothing bad, so give it a break!

  14. Unlike Obamas kids his are pretty much grown. Two of them serve in the military. It's his choice if he wants to keep his kids lives out of it, I know I would.

  15. Funny enough I think your right...I've seen palins kids but I havent seen McCains.

    That is odd.

  16. Would you want to be seen on national TV with him?  Maybe they finally realize what we all have known for some time - the man is a loser!

  17. His one son Andrew is involved in a S & L scandal. He stole $46 million & he is one of the younger free who hadn't talk to his father since he left them for Cindy. In 2000 before the election I think McCain paid them all off so they wouldn't say anythng bad about him but I don't know if they talk, I doubt it.

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