
Hey Salad Lovers, don't you know there are Opium in lettuce and Nicotine in Tomato?

by  |  earlier

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Look it up in wikipedia about lettuce and tomato...

You are actually being dope up after eating salad.

Bowl full of Opium and Nicotine, ewww....




  1. first of all, "yall" the ones stupid for responding to the question like "dat". Didn't your parents teach you "if you aint got nothing nice to say dont say nothing at all" and yes i did use more than one negative and some more words that aint in the dictionary. I guess they didn't teach you "back up" in grade school huh?

  2. if you really were smart you would have posted the whole wikipida address

    so your just passing a new rumor..

    and you know how silly that is..

  3. First of all, you mean "Don't you know there is Opium..." and possibly "...being doped up...", though it's hard to tell what your message really means. Perhaps attending school past the second grade might help you. Second, what's your point? The levels are far too low to have an effect. Nicotine and opium and caffeine and many other "drugs" exist in nature.

    But someone who's upset about Bennigan's closing down probably doesn't know too much about salad. Or anything low calorie, probably.

  4. Extremely small amounts. A bowl full is an exaggeration by far.

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