
Hey!! Twilight Lovrs, can you answer my questions?!?

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Which book is your fav?

Who is your fav character?

Are you excited about the movie?

Are you sad that the Bella version series is over?

Are you excited about Midnight Sun?

Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?





    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

  2. my favorite book would have to be breaking dawn. i just don't understand why everyone is hating on it.

    my favorite character is without a doubt alice

    i'm really excited about the movie i hope it does the books justice plus i think rob, kellan and mike are really cute.

    i'm not a huge bella fan but i am sad that bella's P.O.V. is over.

    ome!! i'm extremely excited about midnight sun, i read the first chapter and it was by far the best chapter i have read in my life- maybe thats because i love edward.

    i love them both, they bring different things to the table, but if i had to choose one over the other hands down i would go for edward.

  3. Twilight

    Edward Cullen

    Absolutely! Rob Pattinson is going to make a sensational Edward.

    No, Bella's POV had to end sometime and the conclusion was great.

    Yes, I cannot wait to read Edward's brooding, sarcasm and wit. Plus, he gets to cheat by reading minds.

    Team Edward all the way.

  4. My favorite is defiantly Twilight. The others were really good too though.

    My favorite character is defiantly Edward.

    I wold be if Edward was hotter. But Yes! Very!

    Sort of... I want her to write a book in Renesmee's POV

    OMG YES!!!!! I have already read the first 12 chapters!!!!!

    Team Edward duh!!!!!!!

  5. Bring on the thumbs down but these are my opinions:

    Breaking Dawn - I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I loved it! Just different opinions..

    Emmett Cullen and Jacob Black - I read some of Midnight Sun, and I think Edward is a tiny bit creepy! I mean, he is in her room while she sleeps, and stalks her and follows her, and... he's just creepy:)

    I am very excited for the movie ! I love the cast !!!

    I am ok with it, it had to end sometime. But I would have liked to see an epilogue with 10 years later for Jacob and Renesmee and I wanted Leah and Seth to get their happy endings too.

    I am very excited about Midnight Sun !

    Team Jacob !!  Edward is cool , but Jacob is HOT ! :)

  6. Okay! Let's'a see...

    Book: Twilight.

    Reason: It's where it all started, it's beautiful and amazing.

    Favorite char: Bella.

    Reason: I know it's incredible about the vampires, but Bella is different, she did the impossible. She made a vampire fall in love with her, over pure clumbsy Bella-ness.

    Movie: I cannot even begin to tell you how excited i am. I plan to miss school to see it at midnight. It's going to be phenomenal. I will be a little edgy about some of their acting skills, but as long as Kirsten and robert are breath-taking like the website keeps saying, i'm all for it.

    Bella version: Actually just the opposite, i'm ecstatic it's finally over. Because, what would they have carried it on to? Angela being a witch? And i don't really want to know how Jacob and Renesme turn out...

    Midnight sun: Read it, cussed at it, laughed about it, loved it. Every single page is amazing. Completely twisted. I would actually try and think of the possibility's of what was going to happen next, and all of them were wrong. She's a genius.

    Team: I'm going with both. They're both dreamy sounding, Bella has made her choice, and obviously so has jacob lol. But anyway, i love them both, they made the story. Including the others. And i wanted to add this...


  7. i'm too obsessed to be happy with just picking one



    not really,but i like her POV better than jacob's POV

    i am soooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    I created a new team------------team jasper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The first, although i adore them all.

    haha, impossible to answer.

    no, i think it will be impossible to make the movie as good as hte book.

    no, i loved her perspective but i'm excited to hear the other.


    bolth. I was Team Edward until Jacob finally backed off & fell inlove wiht Reneseme instead of bella.

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