
Hey! What if the Big Bang was caused by somebody's LHC experiment 13 billion years ago??

by Guest33652  |  earlier

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I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Somebody spank me.




  1. I want to know the second they turn it on, so that I can strike a pose and have a comical silhouette of myself blasted onto the cosmic background radiation of the new universe, like Wile E Coyote leaving his shape in a cliff face, for future technological societies to ponder over when they discover it.


  2. d**n 13 billion years ago  i can see you gettin chopped up by a t rex  in what ever left over the roaches got a hold of

  3. Then let's hope they don't shut down their version of LHC =P

    Now think about it, we're about to power up the LHC. Those people who are crying about it destroying the world, and who want it to not function, are trying to be responsible for the cancellation of the creation of trillions of stars, maybe even intelligent civilizations around those stars. So let's put all of the hoax/strangelet believers on trial for attempted genocide.

    Whoa, a bit over the top....

  4. spank your own self!

    what if... it was really 13,000,002,012 years ago!?


  5. The letter of the month to "Cosmos" Magazine suggests that. Tongue-in-cheek, of course.

    We say "maths" up here in the south as well, but you're right not to trust us. We use that commie metric system as well.

  6. ooooo someones kinky

    prob not tho

  7. Then that would be freakin hilarious! We would p**s off the entire universe and whatever lives (supposedly) in it. HA, stupid aliens.

  8. well, thats only part of the story. see it was 2012, and aliens had already colonized on the moon, and were starting to abduct tons of people on earth, but then nibiru crashed into the moon and the aliens had to fly back to their home planet, Iganokka. at the same time, nasa came out and said they faked landing on the moon, and killed astronautes to silence them. in all the confusion, someone switched on the LHC to full power which created a black hole. God tried to shine his guiding light, but the black hole trapped all the light. as a result, the earth and eventually the entire universe was swallowed by this black hole.

    see my scientific sources below:

  9. No, not the LHC experiment. Don't you people know anything? The Big Bang was because of a fuel ship that went back in time and exploded! At least that's the way it was on an old Dr. Who episode. And TV, like the Internet, never lies!

  10. What if you didnt smoke so much pot!

  11. energy has always been here but E=MCsquared says energy can easily convert into matter. so that is what happened. my friend built the LHC and helped design it (the british bit anyway) and it uses 1 teravolt of electricity. (bassicly not enough to make a universe.

  12. Well...then it would certainly change everything we ever suspected about the Big Bang theory being the beginning of everything.

    That whole theory would be right out the window.

    Interesting concept though....good job Brant!

  13. Just to say:

    It is "maths" (with an s)

    I've just had this discussion in a course and it is only in North America that we say math (without an s); but then, we say billion instead of milliard and we write meters instead of metres...

    As for the spanking... I'll pass.


    But, what if...

    the present universe IS the result of our own LHC experiment, creating the wormhole that sends our entire universe 13.7 milliard years into the past.

    We would be responsible for our own creation.

    (In some schools, there would be another version where the wormhole only goes back 6000 years).

    Now, what if the wormhole were created on Julian Day 2456283?  Wouldn't there be egg on our faces then.

  14. Awesome.  THAT'S how I want to die - in the next Big Bang.

    Or by gamma ray burst.  Funny how all the ways I want to die would take out everyone else too.  But it would be so cool.

  15. It's actually possible if some ideas about black holes are correct, though it would have to have been a particle accelerator many times over more advanced, at least with how much we understand right now.

    Basically our persuit of quantum gravity has so far suggested that singularities are outdated concepts (i.e., that the idea of zero dimensions and near infinite density is absurd). This is further evidenced by the fact that black holes have finite entropy which can be measured by the surface area of the event horizon in Planck lengths divided by four. This implies a finite, not infinite, density and undermines the possibility of singularities.

    Further maths from current theory (which can't possibly be complete, however, since we have no quantum theory of gravity) suggest that black holes may implode a dimension in a very Big Bang fashion within (in a separate "direction" from the universe's 3 known spatial dimensions), and that the expansion wall of this expansion counters the negative pressure in the expansion (i.e., keeps the black hole from imploding completely through).

    It's long been thought that the total energy of the universe is equal to 0, since potential energies like gravity wells are effectively the same as negative energy (though not the same concept as the negative energy from casimir effects), and clearly 1 + (-1) = 0. So, new universes may indeed be a "free lunch," though there are thoughts that Hawking radiation might be a form of entropy/energy interaction between parent and child universes ultimately.

    This is all of course extremely speculative and shouldn't be taken as something considered true in physics just yet, and I wouldn't even hold my breath until we get a theory of quantum gravity!

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