
Hey YuGiOh question come in?

by Guest31808  |  earlier

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Hey how much is the gladior beast deck and make a list if possible.

Also how much is the lightsworn deck is it possible to make adeck out of it with the booster pack ?




  1. I agree with the last person except the lightsworn deck costs way more then 200 dollars just one judgment dragon costs more then 220 dollars and you need to have at least one judment dragon but if you want to do the math I know a web site where they sell cards for a low price compared to other sites its

  2. Gladiator Beast: More than $100

    Monster: (18)

    1x E-hero Stratos (Prisma search out and 1800 beat stick)

    2x E-hero Prisma (or 3 times what you prefer)

    3x Test Tiger

    3x GB Bestiari

    2x GB Laquari

    2x GB Darius

    1x GB Murmillo

    1x GB Secutor

    1x GB Hoplomus

    1x Neo Spacian Grand Mole

    1x Morphing Jar

    Spell: (10)

    2x Reinforcements of the Army

    1x Gladiator Proving Grounds

    1x Heavy Storm

    2x Book of Moon

    1x Monster Reborn

    1x Premature Burial

    1x MST

    1x Smashing Ground

    Trap: (12)

    1x Mirror Force

    1x Torrential Tribute

    3x Solemn Judgment

    2x Waboku

    3x Bottomless Trap Hole

    1x Trap Dust shoot

    1x Mind Crush


    1x GB Heraklinos

    3x GB Gyzarus

    The Rota's and Prisma really add speed to the deck. Also when you have a Prisma and Test Tiger on hand you can get a first turn Gyzarus. I hope my advice will help.

    Lightsworn: i believe more than $200

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