
Hey again! I want you people's opinions!?

by  |  earlier

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What do you like about a person that you don't even know?--like another question that was just asked, we are attracted to other people we havent even met yet--What is it about a person's looks that YOU like to see even if you don't know them? (race, looks, skin tone or even how they walk and etc.)




  1. Well first of all I must like that guys personality! Yeah - he can be handsome,he can be cool,he can be s**y,but if he is acting like an a$$hole...LOL I wont like him!

    About the looks...ummm....I like almost everyone XD

    I dont know XD but he should be a funny guy with a smile on his face!

    The smile is really important thing for me!!! I dont know why....but it helps me "see" pllz personality!!! ^ ^

  2. hihi ^^

    Interesting question . . . well Personality is the key thing they are have to be cool, nice don't mind if their rude just as long as it not to me, i also like sorta jealous type

    XD(weird ay?); looks. . . I like guys with Black hair and Green or Blue eyes XDD they are hot any race will do but I'm not too kin Indians but thats just me(no offense) but really their personality is the main thing for me.


  3. I like athletic guys who are cool and don't act dramatic.

  4. I think people generally radiate a positive feeling with a real smile on their face.   May sound a bit corny; but, I find a sincere smile to be an invitation to human kind that someone is "at home."    Assuming the smile is not at a seminar of some type.  

  5. usually i'm attracted to a person's eyes.

    i really love when someone has very pale skin, and dark hair, with really gorgeous eyes, of blue or green. i'm always attracted to people of that appearance.

  6. i like dark haired guys, brown eyes, and fair skin to a light tan

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