
Hey al... can u please suggest some good ways of studyin so that we remember the things that we study?

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hey guys i m a student pursuing with my CA studies n i m really v much inclined towards making it in my first attenpt itself so can u guide me on that




  1. Concentrate properly. Don't think unnecessary things while studying

  2. Heres what I did.

    Read the material through once.

    Read a second time making notes or highlighting important sections.

    Re-read notes and/or highlighted sections.

    This method worked for me in preparation for regular (weekly, mid or end term tests) as well as taking exams to earn credit for entire subjects.  

    Good luck.

  3. i would go with nunnybun's answer..reading and writing what u read in your own words...doubly reinforces what u learned rather than reading the same thing a 100 times

  4. By hearting is not the way to study.

    You are on the wrong path. Get some guidance.

    **** i cannot believe you graduated so far just by by hearting.

  5. well it all depends on how you learn best, I've always prefered taking the main points and write them down on note cards and make a trivia game out of it, that way you have fun and learn at the same time, and it also helps to exercise a little and get the blood flowing it will help stimulate your mind and keep you fresh to study for longer periods of time

  6. First relax, next relate every topic of your subject to something you do everyday or a everyday scene, or a movie song or something. for example, to learn probability when they said imagine 3 white balls and 4 yellow and etc, i used to imagine and relate to it. that way learnt it fast. so you try finding out your trigger and work on those line.

    please do not ever by heart, it is not studying, it just trying to pass. to earn knowledge, you have to understand and to understand you have to relate.

  7. Well, what I do to help me study, because I HATE studying, is I write everything I need to know and then read it over a couple of times. I find that the writing and then reading it over really helps.

  8. i think if you write everything and all important points you will remember it better than just reading it.

    Also make a list of important points so that if you have a test you can just go through that for half or one hour before n revise it so that you can remember it during exam time.

    Also concentrate properly and try to understand the things thoroughly.

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