
Hey all you art majors!?

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why you chose art for your major, how is it and what kinda careers can you do with art?




  1. 1. I started drawing Star Wars and Spider-Man figure at age 10...I did very well because my drawings were very, very detailed and sharp.  

    2. I studied Art in high school from 1985 -1988. In this time, I learned techniques like Pointilism, Perspective, Rendering, Shading, using Cutting knives like Bullhead points and also Pastel too.

    3. I also took a Photogprahy Class where I learned how to make home made Silk Screen T-shirts from scratch.

    We had to draw all our own "Positives" and use them as Blue Prints for the T-shirts. "Positives" are the opposite of "Negatives" in Photography.  You use "Negatives" to reproduce or dupilcate more copies from the Original.

    This was cool too..

    4. In 2003 and 2005. I took some free R.O.P. Graphic Design classes to learn Basic Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and CorelDraw too. This is where I started creating all my own CD covers from too.

    5. Art is all about being creative & matter what methods you use.  Some use music, some use Art, some use film, some use words like Writers.  

    6. You can be a Graphic Designer, an Artist ( like music),

    a Painter, a Film Maker, a Videographer, a Cartoon Artist,

    an Interior Designer, a Silk Screener,  an Architect, an Advertising Executive, a Writer or whatever else you want to be using your career from Art.

    7. Good luck

  2. I chose it becasue I was good at art and got a scholorship, I couldn't imagine myself doing something else, you can be an art teacher,interior designer, photographer, Graphic Artist ect....

  3. Art careers - endless.  Any business needs artfulness. Plus all the specific to art careers - painter, photographer, graphic artist, jeweler (MY art career), teacher, film maker, video maker,  only to name a few.  Usually art chooses you.

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