
Hey all you parakeet lovers! Wanna help me?!?

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Alrighty, I need your advice and help.

I am planning to buy a hand raised, hand fed, very very young budgie. I have done all the research I can online, and I am still looking for more! How many parakeets should I buy? I want to tame and train and bond very well with a budgie(s), but I'm afraid he/she will be alone while I am at school. I go to high school, and the new school year's gonna start soon, so i'll leave at around 7:30 and be home around 3:00-4:00.

And is it possible to tame and train and bond with 2 budgies equally?

Oh, and can you give me all the details in breeding, caring, taming, training, loving, cage sizes, toys and what games they like, and ANYTHING that you can tell me about them. Please, I'd love for all you to share your parakeet knowledge with me!

Thanks a bunch!





  1. I&#039;d sugest to not get more then two.

    But make sure that they don&#039;t breed, so don&#039;t give them a nest.

    They might be aggresive if they are together though, the same with mirrors.

    I&#039;d stick with one though.

    make sure to keep it entertained during the day.  MAybe leave the radio on, have lots of toys and treats, maybe a playstand.

    good luck!!

  2. Hi,

    If you want to keep the bird tame then you will be best sticking to just one otherwise they won&#039;t be tame if you have two. Well so that is not lonely when you are not there what i do for my parrotthen i leave the radio on so it has some one talking to it.

    No two budgies will get jealous.

    As for breeding well don&#039;t start it if you want to keep it tame, just feed it on the normal budgie seed and them just give the bird some fruit and veg every now and then, stay away from avocardo, raw potato and chocolate as these are poisonous to your new birds. Toys well most petshops sell toys just for budgies and some are cheap enough.

    One thing is that you will have to try and handle on every night to keep it tame.

  3. You can actually buy one of those plastic ones that sits on the perch.  YOur bird wont know the difference and will in fact try to mate with it because they LOVE it.  They LOVE mirrors too.  Very vain birds.  If it acts lonely, eventually buy a companion but the plastic bird will show you if that one will be aggressive towards another.  Good luck!

  4. Just work with them and handle them often. You should be able to keep them as pets. I would only get two if you are keeping them as pets other wise you won&#039;t have the time to take them out and work with them.

    You might want to check out my page and forum and talk to some breeders of Parakeets. is the web address and then there is a link to the forum on there.

  5. One budgie- if they have toys, music going, lots to do such as forage for food, use swings, and lots of room (cage bars should be no larger than 1/2 apart and minimum cage size should be 15 inches across by 18 inches wide by 24 inches high) will be much easier to tame and bond with you. Two budgies may not respond as well to you- they will be more interested in each other. There is also a chance they could breed and that is a lot of responsiblity. If you decide to get two budgies, get two males as the females can get territitorial and get egg-bound.

    Keep in mind that the two birds may not like each other which would mean two cages, lots more toys and dishes, etc.

    I think if you can spend time in the morning, at least 1/2 hour with him, then after school DAILY you should be fine.  I would suggest to try the website Tailfeathers as they have a lot of great answers to common questions about proper care.

    Keep in mind that budgies can be noisey, need medical care, proper high quality foods such as grains, vegetables, beans and seed as well as pellets. You should have emergency money in case the bird needs to see a vet. They can live for over fifteen years so this is a big commitment.

  6. parakeets are great birds, if you are going to be gone i might suggest getting two, you can tame and train two but it will take a little bit more work and time, but i have tamed three at a time so its all good  check out for good parakeet info goodluck!

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