
Hey americans,is this your democracy,leave 50 million people without healt assistance?

by Guest56895  |  earlier

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Sorry for my bad english.




  1. Some Americans feel that democracy is a matter of political voting and speech rights, not helping with health, which is regarded as quasi-Marxist.  There are those who oppose public schools and the government building roads and bridges for the same reason.  BTW, it is 47 million without coverage, not 50.

  2. Your english is not that bad.. check your heart, Thank you for using Yahoo answers

  3. I personally feel that's not my problem .

  4. Those people can and do go into about every emergency room in the country and are taken care of without charge.  

    Many of them routinely call 911 for a free ride to the hospital and get it without question when there is no emergency at all.  This ties up emergency vehicles and personnel that are badly needed elsewhere.

  5. Its their choice, they don't want to work.

  6. I am one of the people without health insurance. I just have to make sure nothing bad ever happens to me. If I do get hurt or sick, I just hope I am well enough to run from the ambulance. They don't come cheaply.

  7. Sorry to tell you but the number has been proven to be highly inflated. Many of them are in fact already eligible for government coverage but have not signed up- making a new program will not change that. There are other factors as well but I have to pick my son up from school. Stop being a blind ideologue and do some honest research.

  8. What, to fatten the insurance companies' pockets? No thank you. It's cheaper for me to pay the doctor fees than to pay the monthly insurance premiums.

  9. I am Canadian.  We have had universal health care for years.  

    I know of an actual American woman who is looking for a Canadian man, for the very purpose of enjoying our strong social safety net incluing "free" health care.

    I readily admit there are other countries who have a better health care system than us, and we want our health care system upgraded!

    I find it tragic that USA is trying to police the world, but doesn't have universal health care back home.  Is this a crack in the "greatest nation"/"great satan"?

  10. I take it you don't know much if anything about america. the health cost plan is running accordingly. the less people that have it, the more that die. in america the government  calls it poulation control. nohealth care coverage less children get vaccines and dental service, then the schools or a nosey neighbor calls social services and the parents get a big fine or their children yanked from the home it is all a big money rachet, and all about gaining power of the american people. yes I am a american/w eyes wide open.

  11. Being "uninsured" in the U.S. does not mean you don't have access to heathcare.  Of the 47 million uninsured citizens, how many of those qualify for healthcare assistance in their state?  Probably most of them, but they don't apply for it.

    The system in the U.S. is far from perfect and no system will accomodate everyone.  However, most foreigners think if you don't have health insurance here, you're left out on your own to die without medical care.  This is far from the truth.  The government does provide for those that can't afford it.

    Personally, I wouldn't want the government completely responsible for my health.

  12. Oh yeah right like your country has better health care LOL

  13. Sure. Why not. Thanks for your input, and interest in our domestic policies. Having never lived here, it's always great to hear an unbiased opinion of the state of my country. Kudos.

  14. Hey now, they're free to vote.

  15. Clearly you don't know the meaning of democracy.  It means you have to take care of YOURSELF!  

    If it was socialist then we'd be forced via taxes to take care of everone and what a sad day that will be.

  16. Well no one is truly denied Health assistance... If you are in dire need of medical attention hospitals have to treat you.  If you have something minor there are free health clinics.  If you are low income you get things like medical cards to pay for this.

    Don't believe everything your government and our press tells you, medical help here is one of the best.  I know Canadians who get government health care come to the US to seek medical treatment because theirs suck.

  17. It's not so much about democracy except the fact that the voters have been voting mainly Republican party since 1980, and the Republican party is vehemently against Socialized Health Care Insurance so that their insurance companies and gouge the people of the US and give as little coverage as possible.  That way their rich stock holders can get larges dividends on their stocks.  Republicans call it free enterprise; the regular person calls it greed.

    According to our last elections, the voters are beginning to wake up and vote more of the Democratic Party, which is more in tune with the common working man/women and when (if) they prevail in the next elections in 2008 they will have a majority and can change to a national healthcare INSURANCE system that is more fair; more just for all the citizens. We are well aware that the other counties that do have health care INSURANCE are laughing at the American workers.

    They have one shot at it, let's all hope they don't drop the ball and jump into bed with the insurance companies like the Republicans have. (And it sounds like Clinton will).  If they do they will lose all the support they have gained.

  18. just because its free or really taken out as taxes before you ever use it , doesn't make it better.

  19. That socialism.  We are capitalist, big difference.  Vote to keep america capitalist.  Don't let washington give us national healthcare.  Something has to be done about our healthcare situation.  The answer is more competition not socialism.

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