
Hey! another surviving high school how to beat 6.7? thanks!?

by  |  earlier

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i just recently got the new episode 6.7 flood part 2 and am having trouble winning if you know how please let me know thanks!!!




  1. 1.) Take a Breather

    2.) Ask about Brian

    3.) Ignore Renzo

    You can go to:

    Water Meters, Water Emission Tank, Filtration System

    I dont think it matters which order it goes

    Filtration System:

    1.) Win Mini Game

    Water Emission Tank:

    1.) Win Mini Game

    Water Meters:

    1.) Win Mini Game

    After they will split up into 2 teams 1.Derek and Kendra 2.You and Renzo

    As Derek:

    1.) Find Brian!

    2.) Hide!

    3.) Take the offer


    1.) Out with it

    As Derek again:

    1.) Win Mini Game

    And then you get the bonus scene. Have Fun! ^^

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