
Hey answer this please !?

by  |  earlier

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how can i survive a nuclear explosion and not turn into a mutant

just in case.




  1. A bomb shelter is your best bet but you still might have radiation  side effects even if you take radiation pills, so you still have a chance of becoming a mutant.

  2. stay in those bomb house things, like the simpsons stayed in once before

  3. wow

  4. Get on the first flight to mars, and don't come back. <}:-})

  5. I like mustard.

  6. Mitosingo M there might be one because if three more nuclear missiles are fired we are doomed, the Earth willl blow up and could even kill us all and even if someone survives they will die of hunger and thirst, the sun will blow up in less then 5 billion years.

  7. a fall out shelter..... or duct tape

  8. go to sleep!!!! there must a website that doesn't have soooo many children?!

  9. yes.......

    sadly this answer makes more sense than the question.

  10. is there gonna be a nuculer explosion soon?

  11. dig a really deep hole, and apparently buy lots of duct tape

  12. In your case it seems to be too late to take precautions.  You were told to wear the tinfoil hat and you ignored them, didn't you? Well, it serves you right.

  13. the question is stupid enough, but the answers are unbelivable...

  14. yeah ok? why are u asking this?

  15. mmm chicken is yummy.

  16. Smartass answer 1)  Kill yourself for asking silly questions. Get reincarnated as a cockroach.

    Smartass answer 2)  Every time a cell in your body reproduces, their are some DNA pairs that don't get replicated just right (the accumulation of "errors" in your DNA is one of the causes of aging).  Since the term mutant refers to someone whose DNA has been changed, you're ALREADY a mutant!  Congratulations and please pass the jelly beans!

  17. You laugh, but it wasn't long ago that we were doing bomb drills in grade school.  And people actually had bomb shelters.  And this was in America.


  19. bomb shelter

  20. you have to be a cockroach

  21. Move to the moon.

  22. Are you on crack??

    why do you want to know??


    p.s sorry im a cheerleader

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