
Hey atheist when you see someone......?

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When you see someone or hear of someone doing something really bad do you ever find yourself saying OMG thats a sin...or something to that degree but using the word sin?




  1. No.

  2. I don't use the word "sin" except either in jest or to refer to something that Christians might say. If I want to say that something is wrong, I don't think I ever use "sin."

  3. The word "sin" is no longer in my vocabulary.

  4. nope

  5. No.  To me, "sin" is a strictly religious term.

    I'll think, "that's horrible", or "what a jerk..."

  6. Dunno......maybe. But that's just semantics.

  7. No, its not even a word i really think about it.  

  8. no, unless im making a joke.

  9. No I think to myself that they are just a bunch of a--holes.  The word "sin" never enters my mind in such cases.

  10. Sometimes but only as a satire in my head of information in the Bible.

  11. If I see someone committing a crime, I find myself reaching for my phone to dial up the police.

  12. I wouldn't call it a sin, but I'd find myself thinking that what they were doing was not morally right.  I honestly believe in all of the Commandments (except for the Sabbath and Lord's Name ones) as good moral codes.  I don't believe that they were brought about by some sort of miracle, but I think that they're good rules to live by.  Don't kill, don't steal, don't commit adultery... pretty basic to me.

  13. Only when I am pointing it out to a pompous theist. Like the one posting a question here telling lies about abortion stories

  14. No. I think what a creep/jerk/idiot/horrible person.

    "Sin" is a religious person belief/word.

  15. No, I don't believe in "sin" and never use the word except perhaps when joking with a Christian or discussing religion.

  16. Only when I see someone eating lots of chocolate, that is when I tell that person, don't you feel sinful eating all those chocolates?

  17. No. What is known as a "sin" is different to different people. and if your God is so great than why did he make humans vulnerable enough to "sin"? If humans did "sin" than God must have meant for them too right? Fate and Gods plan? And for that matter the bible always tells people that God loves them. Why would making a mistake automatically send the to h**l? Basically God is a very intolerable being.

    I am an atheist by the way....In case you couldn't guess.  

  18. NEVER. I will say "that is morally wrong".

  19. Um, No.

  20. No - we use the word immoral.

    For instance, telling children there is a God without being able to provide any evidence is immoral.  

  21. Nope, I'll say something like

    "Holy c**p, that is so wrong."


    "Oh, c**p, that's (really) messed up."


    or sometimes, if the deed is really wrong, I'll think to myself, "maybe there are times when the death penalty should be applied."

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