
Hey atheists how did it happen?

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how did the universe come into being out of nothing? what is a RATIONAL explanation for how life began? why do you claim that your spreading the truth when you don't have answers to these essential questions?




  1. Ceiling Cat did it.

  2. le sigh. How did God come into being? Nobody knows the answer to either question

  3. You don't have any rational answers either.

    I have no idea of how the universe was created but it doesn't mean "therefore a god did it" is in anyway a logical step.  Your thinking really isn't much different to primitive man thinking that there were gods making it rain because they didn't know how it worked.

    There's no evidence your or any god exists.

  4. Thats the beauty of science.  WE DON'T KNOW YET.  We are TRYING to figure it out... we have some good ideas, but we are not sure yet because we don't have the proof one logically needs to make a large proclamation as that.

    Theists on the other hand are gullible enough to accept BS as their 'proof' (the bible said so, or my daddy told me god said it was true.)

  5. I don't recall anyone saying it came into being out of nothing.

    I'm buggered if I know, though. I'm not a cosmologist.

  6. God created the Heaven and the Earth.

  7. The big bang is similar, but on a vastly larger scale, to the creation of virtual particles due to the uncertainty principle (which can be easily demonstrated by an experiment).  The big bang theory explains the existence of deuterium and lithium in the universe, which cannot be explained in any other way.  As a result, from a scientific point of view, the big bang is a done deal.

    As for the creation of life in the first instance, we simply do not know how it happened -- and probably never will.  It is essentially certain that scientists will be able to create life ab initio from elements within the next century or so, but it is improbable in the extreme that whatever process is ultimately used will have anything to do with how it actually happened.  Bringing some sort of god into the picture accomplishes nothing: it leads to no testable conclusions, so doing so is a waste of time.  Once life began, evolution (now a proven fact) took over, and created the panoply of life we see today.

  8. i don't know where you're getting your info from but whoever said we had all the answers? nobody does, for if we did, we wouldn't have ANY problems, but obviously we do. it's human nature to want an answer now, especially when it seems like you may never get it. in psychology it's called groupthink. something i notice about theists is that they want immediate answers, regardless of whether the answer is correct or not, and that's why we have so many "believers." what we think we know is what happened after. how do we know this, please do yourself a favor as ask somebody in the field, instead of coming up with your own answers for things b/c you're too lazy to find out.  

  9. God (who may or may not have always existed) poofed it into existence make SO much more sense.

  10. You are confused!!

    It is only the Christians and those that went to sleep in school that believe it was created from nothing!!

    It all started from a singularity where all the matter of the universe existed as one single blob which then rapidly expanded.

    Absolutely basic educational stuff!!

    It is no surprise that science has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology!!!    

    More members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

    Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

    Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God."

    Evolution in action with Christians getting left behind like the monkeys and apes before them!!!

  11. Exactly. Good view.

  12. As an atheist, I'm not arrogant enough to claim to know how exactly the universe came into existence.

    The lack of an explanation does not make God the automatic default winner.

  13. Atheists are people who can except their ignorance rather than try to make up ludicrous stories to explain things

  14. The universe came out of a singularity.  It's not nothing.

    The singularity developed from the omniverse, probably due to gravity.  The omniverse has existed for eternity.  It was not created.

    Life began when the right chemicals came together.  Many parts of the process have been observed.  We don't know the key to abiogenesis yet.  Harvard believes we may have the answers within 20 years.

    We look at it as a jigsaw puzzle with some missing pieces.  We can see the big picture despite the missing pieces and we have a pretty good idea what those pieces will look like when we find them.  You look at the missing pieces and conclude we have nothing.  You are so wrong.

    I believe Richard Dawkins is smart enough to find the zero of a function without help.   And the Big Bang cuts it with virtually all working scientists.  They're the ones with doctorates, fo realz.

  15. It might make a difference if you REALLY wanted an answer...

    but you don't...

  16. No matter how many times people ask this question, the answer is always nobody knows. Atheists don't know. You don't know.

    You have faith. That's why it's called faith.

    They are waiting for scientific proof of something.

    Can you please just let it go? Why do you feel the need to prove people wrong? Why can't you just be secure in your own beliefs? Are you insecure and need to reassure yourself by bashing anyone who doesn't believe in whatever you do?

    Not trying to insult you, I just don't see why you feel the need to ask questions that no one has the answer to.  

  17. You don't have the answers either. But if the Argument from Ignorance is the best you got, you might want to think about starting over.

  18. I first must say that I am not an atheist, so I shouldn't really be answering this, but you should know that many believe that there are things that humans don't know, so for now, many can't answer this question.  It is hard enough for us figure out what happened millions of years ago, so how do you expect everyone to know what happened billions and billions and billions of year ago?

    There are many theories that you will see in these answers, some may be true, but not everyone believes the same thing.

  19. "god has always existed, and is beyond time and relativity in a christian belief system, so dont give me this, how did god come into being stuff."


    So, all our stuff has to obey the laws of physics but your little invisible sky critter doesn't have to; cool.

    Please explain why bad things happen to good people and how come good things happen to bad people.

    It's almost EXACTLY like as if there is NO invisible sky critter, don't you think?

    "where you just say god doesnt exist for no reason"

    Actually, we say 'he' doesn't exist cos there is NO evidence; please get it right and STOP lying.

    Uneducated fundie make my flesh crawl.


  20. i perceive truth as something that i believe in, henceforth i am spreading the truth when i speak of GOD creating the universe.

    Understand what truth is....can you define that? can you really rationalize anything? why are you ruling out our answers as false?

  21. You don't really want an answer, you just want to rant.I'll leave you to it.

  22. Read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.

    I'll be more than happy to email you the eBook if you want.

  23. I'm so sick of these questions. Why can't people learn to use the Search bar?

    P.S. If you want real answers, go ask to speak with members of the Physics and Biology staff at your local university. You are not going to get very detailed or insightful answers off of Y!A, and to think otherwise is absolutely daft.

  24. They don't know. The Urey/Miller experiment was once thought to be the key to the answer but decades later it is a big bust. There is no known sorting mechanism which can separate left handed and right handed amino acids in order to form a small protein chain. If this had happened it would be major news. This doesn't' hinder atheists from accepting that it just happened. While they like to mock and say "godidit they are saying basically the same thing. It just happened. Richard Dawkins can only offer mere speculation. As life has never been observed to come into being by itself in a labratory environment. Hence they have zero evidence.

  25. You must be confused. It didn't come together from nothing. No scientist believes that.

  26. You won't accept it anyway but I will send you some simple ideas . I know it didn't come from some old closet homosexual goat rapist who live in the sky committing genocide every time he has a tantrum .

    This one comes in 6 parts .

    This one comes in 19 parts .

    You believe in a homicidal bronze age savage wearing goatskins who waved his magic wand to create all this and speak of logical reality ? Run that by me again I think I'm missing something here . For starters where did his magic wand come from ?

    Like I said you refuse to learn yet you deny factual and replace it with fairy tales . Written history goes back almost 2,000 years longer than your god book and nobody ever heard of him then . So I guess that means he came into being 3,500 years ago and then went back in time to create all this right ?

    Keep listening to Kent Hovind and remember to eat your peach pits .

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