
Hey aussies what gives?

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how come you guys still get told what to do by a little old lady thousands of miles away?

even the scots are telling her and her collection of chinless wonders where to get off and they're only a train ride away.

and considering the uk is now americas ***** what does that imply for aussies.




  1. Australian national identity is deeply rooted in our present form of government. We are a constitutional monarchy, which means the monarchy is part of our national identity. Republicans often claim that becoming a republic is just the next step to true nationhood, but Australia has been an independent nation for all our history, no government structure can change this.

    Becoming a republic would cost alot of money and what difference would it really make.

    Anyway why would we want to be any closer to being like America!

  2. we're showing respect

  3. omg get over your selves... america is like the fat kid at school  who picks on all the little kids just so it doesn't feel so bad about being the loud obnoxious pigs that they are... the queen is a figure head who we respect and so should you... they were civilised long before they concurred your stupid country.... you may be bigger and have more ppl but your are mostly uncivilised uneducated hicks... if you weren't then why would ur imbecile of a president push though that " no child left behind" act.... because out of 9.7 million children about 1.3 million of them either cant speak ENGLISH (yet another reason to respect that little old lady!) well or not even at all!! maybe if you showed a little more respect ppl might not dispise you all so much ( ps im sorry to every american who isnt an ignorant hick and this answer isnt directed at you)

  4. UK is Americas B****?. We'll see yank, we'll see.

    how come you guys still get told what to do by a little old lady thousands of miles away?


    how come your so blind to the fact that America is a dictatorship?

  5. tell me about it

    im australian

  6. I once made the mistake of calling a Welshman English and had to apologize profusely.  I am not Australian, but I think we Americans share that respect for England. It is our Mother Country, too.  I remember when Tony Blair first arrived on the scene. What a Hope he was for the future, a bright young leader. Then he met Bush and was led into the Iraq mess and, from that time onward, it was "Yo, Blair!"  I'm not sure Brown is any better, but time will tell.

    I can understand Australians wanting to cut the ties with England. Australians, like Americans, perhaps even more than Americans, have a broad streak of independence.  Actually, in many ways, Australians have more in common with Americans than with the UK.  For one thing, we share that goofy sense of humor.  And, if the gas prices don't go down, we Americans will be joining you in Walkabouts.

  7. There is actually a lot support in Australia for making it an independent republic - it's only a matter of time. A lot of people here still feel connected to Britain as part of their historical identity though.

  8. It sucks, next 5 years it'll be all over for sure. Probably. Fortunately, her Majesticness has been around long enough to know not to mess with Australia, even if she could. If she tried, the issue would end up in courts for eternity.

    Actually, its funny to hear the Queen comment on this issue when asked, I get the impression she wants us to hurry up and sod off...

  9. Rubbish.

  10. aka 'the queen' has hardly any control over this place (Australia).   Most people i know don't care about uk or their queen.

    uk is Americas *****? soon you will all be living under chinas rule so thats not even relevant towards anything.... note our prime minister can speak extremely good mandarin so were in the good books with china already.

  11. The Queen has no control over Australia. Australia still has ties to Britian, but only via the Governor General, who is the Queens representative in Australia. We have our own leader, the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd. In 1901, Federation occured in Australia which severed many political ties with Britian and the Queen and became it's own nation.

  12. because British is our mother earth

  13. Australian convict POME prisoner of mother England and don't you for get it COBA

    An English man is a gentle man.

    An Australian is a Pome convict sent to there in ball and chain that's your history end of story.

  14. that was confusing

  15. em !!! enlighten me !! .lol

  16. Ha Ha we have the Australian Constitutuion the greatest pieces of paper beside the bible. We may have Pollies that over look its authority but treason is a crime. They will be  judged by the people. Aussie People power wins all the time. We share we are kind we are fair dinkum and edinkum on the net.

  17. It's just a symbolic traditional thing.

    Im sure the queen herself doesn't maek desicions, in aus it gets passed through bills etc.

  18. Actually, she doesn't tell us what to do at all. She isn't allowed to interfere in politics in Britain let alone Australia. Their parliament runs the show. Her role is purely ceremonial. She is considered Australia's head of state but it's only a symbolic title. She presents knighthoods and that sort of thing.

    The elected Australian parliament has full control over decisions regarding our citizens. The Queen has no control over us whatsoever.

    Culturally, we have more in common with Brits than Americans. Sense of humour, self-deprecating nature etc. Except for the current generation who grew up watching American sitcoms.

  19. cos we're part of the commonwealth! without decent support in a war australia would be totally screwed at least we have the UK and USA if we need them.

  20. we don't she is just  a figure head and doesn't realy have a say but in dire situations

  21. Well, to be honest, We can't help it.

    You see, when Australia was officially named, founded ect. ect. It was started as a colony of Britain. This was fine, until we needed some self control. So then we because a colony under self govern. Of coarse, then there was world war one, where we signed the Treaty of Versailles, become a part of the League of Nations, or what is now the U.N.

    For a simpler picture, our constitution is like a shack, It was originally a shack, but then the owner added a porches. Then they wanted a veranda. And double stories. And after that a Second veranda. The point I'm getting at is that it is all over the shop. If you trace the spiderweb of consitional policy, no law passed since 1988 is actually valid, and the government couldn't legally collect tax since then, either.

    It's a tricky world with us, But in short, we still are because we have to be, lest our laws mean nothing.


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