
Hey bush supporters? why isnt Bush threatening to spread freedom to Russia?

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surely we can agree thats one place that has an evil dictator and has weapons of mass destruction, and is clearly up to no good...a virtual member of the axis of evil.

So, why doesn't bushie boy take down the evil dictator Putin?




  1. Freedom is like butter.  It seems spreadable, but really only on toast.

  2. let go of the hate buddy

  3. Well, technically Putin isn't in charge. we all like to say he's pulling Mededev's strings, but we have no proof. He had an 80% approval rating anyway, so that's actually pretty democratic.

    Anyway, you know why he's not spreading freedom to Russia. It's got big guns. Really big ones.

  4. bushie knows he'd be in a box like saddam

  5. And if he did you'd be the first buffoon to say he was wrong to do it.  Anyway, he is almost gone, so take your pills and quiet down.

  6. The country of Iraq was given 1 1/2 years to comply with the UN sanctions or face the consequences. We went into Iraq to bring freedom. The Russians didn't go into Georgia to bring Freedom! This is the reason why!

  7. They'd spread it right back.

    And I wouldn't exactly call Putin a dictator, especially considering he isn't the Russian president.  

  8. not really Russia is doing just fine as for spreading "freedom" russia don't want that capitalistic way in their corrupted country!!! as for Bush I can,t believe he has not been impeached I guess that means both party's are fully corrupted a spewing B,S.

  9. Russia is Russia, I love the people and was there in 2006 with

    my father,

    He had to have a blood test, they have re-usable needles, the

    last time I had a re-usable needle your parents weren't born yet,

  10. There are Bush supporters?  Who knew?

  11. Bush has made America more vulnerable than ever before.  America was always the high power that no one would touch.  Terrorists now have an idea what Americas limits are.  They know our countrys weak points, thanks to the neo-conservative ideals both bush and mccain share.  

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